How to arrange a class portfolio

How to arrange a class portfolio
How to arrange a class portfolio

Video: Professional Portfolio 2024, July

Video: Professional Portfolio 2024, July

In an age of modern technology and a huge influx of information, it is important not to lose yourself. It is important to see the individual value of the individual and the individual team. A class portfolio is a folder that will help students see their achievements against the background of the class’s overall activity, track the rate of achievement accumulation, and form self-esteem. How to arrange a portfolio?

You will need

  • - folder

  • - files

  • - photos,

  • - letters,

  • - diplomas

  • - drawings

  • - creative work

Instruction manual


Get a folder with files.


Place a collective class photo on the cover of the folder. Preferably the one on which everyone smiles. In large letters write "portfolio", sign the class and school.


Make room in your portfolio for the class teacher. Place there his close-up photo, name, job title. If you wish, write about his best achievements.


List the class with contact information for students and their parents in the folder. Indicate in it the dates of birth of the students so that you can congratulate them on time.


Place diplomas, certificates, the best work of guys in a portfolio. It is advisable to place copies, not originals. You can create separate sections in the portfolio to reflect educational, sports, creative and social achievements.


In order not to miss the extracurricular achievements of the quiet and modest representatives of the class, from time to time unobtrusively take an interest in their successes.


If there are guys in your class who draw well, ask them to help you arrange the portfolio and, possibly, supplement it with your drawings.

Useful advice

Design your class portfolio in a single style. When choosing a style, try to stick to it until the end.