How to make an essay plan

How to make an essay plan
How to make an essay plan

Video: How to write an Essay Plan (7 Simple Steps) 2024, July

Video: How to write an Essay Plan (7 Simple Steps) 2024, July

A plan for any scientific work is the foundation. The teacher first of all studies the plan in order to understand what is being discussed in the work, whether the emphasis is correctly placed. Often, schoolchildren or students do not know how to properly draw up an essay plan. If you want to get a positive mark in the next lesson, then try to follow these recommendations.

Instruction manual


In fact, an essay plan is very simple to draw up! Usually it is placed on the second page after the title page.

It is not necessary to write on the page "Abstract plan", teachers can allow this at school! And university requirements suggest calling a page with a plan "Content" or "Table of Contents". The abstract is numbered precisely from the page with the plan. Numbering is applied in different ways, most often in the upper right corner.


The essay plan consists of an introduction, several chapters (usually from 2 to 4), a conclusion and a list of references (list of bibliography or bibliography). Also, here may be indicated possible applications to the abstract (illustrations, additional information).


However, in the preparation of the plan there are also complex aspects, this is the allocation of abstract chapters. A good abstract volume is 10-20 pages. Typically, a table of contents, an introduction with a conclusion, and a list of references occupy several pages. Therefore, the chapters of the abstract are 6-16 pages. If the abstract turned out to be quite small (total volume - 8-10 pages), then the abstract plan completely excludes chapters. In this case, the only chapter is called the "Main Part". But, nevertheless, you need to try to have at least two chapters that are naturally numbered. In terms of abstract, chapters can be divided into paragraphs or subparagraphs. The usual number of paragraphs is 2 to 4. The paragraphs within the chapter are numbered.


To draw up a plan, it is necessary to highlight issues, concepts that you will describe in the abstract itself. There can be several such points, with their help you will reveal the essence of the problems posed. Remember that the plan presents a clear outline of the essay itself. The plan should be logical and consistent so that it is easy to understand what we learn from the text.


Formally, the plan has the same requirements as the entire essay. The font is usually Times New Roman, point size (or font size) - 14, spacing (line spacing) - 1.5 - standard. Fields are standard for Microsoft Word. This is the standard, but if you have a training manual, then see what requirements are indicated in it. Each university has its own requirements!

Useful advice

Many teachers evaluate essays precisely according to the plan, so try to make the essay plan the most complete and informative.