Seven myths about iq

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Seven myths about iq
Seven myths about iq

Video: 7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True 2024, July

Video: 7 Myths About The Brain You Thought Were True 2024, July

IQ tests allow you to determine the level of intellectual abilities of a person. There are many such tests, but the tasks developed by Hans Eisenck gained widespread popularity, they are used not only by experts, but also by ordinary people who cannot correctly interpret the results, as a result, myths about IQ appear.

First myth

The most common myth is that the test result determines the subject’s mind. In fact, the IQ test result only indicates how well a person is able to solve certain problems. According to the test results, conclusions can be drawn about learning ability and ability to quickly navigate in a new situation, but nothing can be said about creative thinking and practical skills.

Second myth

The myth that the result of the Eysenck test determines the general level of intelligence can be considered a myth. In fact, the test consists of tasks for abstract, figurative and verbal thinking, and the result is the average value of these individual tests. Accordingly, a person can have imaginative thinking well above average, but not enough good abstract thinking, and measurement will show the general level of intelligence.

Third myth

It is believed that the higher the IQ, the more successful the person’s life will be. But many famous scientists have a relatively low IQ, and the usual Brazilian housewife showed the highest test result. It is obvious that success is achieved not only by smart people, but by hardworking, purposeful individuals.

To a certain extent, the level of intelligence depends on heredity, but the environment of the child and his nutrition play an equally important role.

Fourth myth

Another myth is related to Internet testing. Professional tests are more complicated than those given on the Internet, in addition, they are carried out with various corrections for the age and psychological characteristics of the subject. The results of the test passed on the Internet should be regarded with great doubt.

Fifth myth

Some people think that everyone with an IQ above 170 is a genius. In fact, the highest score that can be obtained in a professional test is 144. Psychologists do not distinguish any IQ level, after which genius begins.

Sixth myth

The myth is the idea of ​​the coefficient of intelligence as a constant value. The real ratio changes all the time. A person can solve problems with different health conditions, with different involvement in the process, this and much more will greatly affect the test results. In addition, IQ is age dependent.

Studies have shown that IQ is higher in those children who are fed breast milk and received up to 12 years old a sufficient amount of iodine.