Is it possible to learn Japanese yourself

Is it possible to learn Japanese yourself
Is it possible to learn Japanese yourself

Video: 4 Steps to Fluent Japanese | How I Self Studied Japanese to N1 Level without Boring Textbooks 2024, July

Video: 4 Steps to Fluent Japanese | How I Self Studied Japanese to N1 Level without Boring Textbooks 2024, July

Japanese is considered one of the most difficult in the world. On average, it takes 2, 200 academic hours, that is, more than 2 years, to complete its study and preparation for the exam at a fairly high level of language proficiency. However, for the Japanese themselves, the Russian language is no less complicated.

Instruction manual


Usually, katakana and hiragana are studied first - these are two syllable alphabets used in different cases: hiragana - for words of Japanese origin, katakana - for words of foreign origin. Together with syllabic alphabets, the basics of declining words and constructing sentences are studied. If you do several hours a day every day, this step takes about 3 months. If the goal is only to learn to talk, it can be omitted.


The first level of language proficiency is household, basic. It allows you to communicate at a primitive level, to understand Japanese speech, spoken slowly. It gives advantages when obtaining a visa to Japan, reaching this level on average takes six months to a year. The second level roughly corresponds to the level of a primary school graduate in Japan. This is an average level sufficient for conducting conversations or reading non-specialized literature. Achieving this level takes from a year and a half and requires periodic communication with native speakers.


A third level of language proficiency is required for employment in Japan. It implies the ability to read texts on a fairly wide range of topics, the ability to maintain a conversation with a native speaker at a level close to natural. As a rule, it is achieved after 2 years of hard work, systematically communicating with native speakers and reading Japanese literature. The fourth - in-depth - level presupposes the ability to understand complex texts on a wide variety of topics, to continue to maintain dialogue with a native speaker at a natural speed and in various situations. It is believed that in order to achieve and maintain this level of language proficiency all the time, it is necessary to periodically live in Japan itself.


Japanese can only be taught for conversation or for writing, reading and speaking. Many people consciously omit reading or writing hieroglyphs by hand, but the ability to read hieroglyphs allows one to understand the structure of learned words and not get confused in sounds. Training in writing characters greatly speeds up the memorization of hieroglyphs. Most of the characters are written according to strictly defined rules. And, although these rules are quite confusing, they have to be taught. In addition to the standard printed style of hieroglyphs, there is also a handwritten one. Learning the rules of handwriting of hieroglyphs is not required, but for those who wish to live in Japan, the ability to read the handwritten text is necessary.


Self-study books and textbooks are best to buy a few. The order of development of the material and the complexity in its explanation differ in them. Therefore, what will be incomprehensible in one book can be understood from another. To learn to write well, buy a recipe. Separately, you should buy a self-study guide and a guide to Japanese grammar.


Install on your computer a Japanese keyboard layout, Russian-Japanese dictionaries, browsers and readers with support for Japanese text. Watching anime in Japanese is a great way to learn how to understand speech by ear, since such cartoons usually use simplified Japanese, designed for younger viewers. Read aloud to train your pronunciation. Many recommend mastering various courses posted on the Internet. In order to understand by ear simple Japanese speech, they are enough.