What exams do you need to take in law?

What exams do you need to take in law?
What exams do you need to take in law?

Video: What You NEED To Know About Law School Exams 2024, July

Video: What You NEED To Know About Law School Exams 2024, July

To enter a law faculty is not only prestigious, but also promises good career prospects, especially if you enter a good university. That is why there are so many who want to become a lawyer.

You will need

When enrolling in the law faculty of any university, you will need knowledge of the following subjects: the Russian language, the history of Russia and social studies. It is in these subjects that you should choose to pass the exam in the 11th grade and prepare hard for exams, because the competition for many law faculties of good universities is very high.

Instruction manual


Social studies is a specialized subject in admission to the Faculty of Law. You should know this subject not just perfectly, you need to understand it well and sincerely be interested in it. In further studies at a university, you will not so much need an assessment in this subject upon admission, but rather the knowledge that has been grafted from school.


Story. Another specialized subject. It presents considerable difficulty for many students, since it is necessary to remember the dates, the causes of various events. But in legal studies, this knowledge is indispensable. When preparing for the university and for final exams at school, we recommend that you focus not only on studying the history of Russia, but also on world history.


Russian language. It is not a specialized subject, although usually for students of humanitarian specialties this exam gives good points for admission. After all, passing the Russian language is much easier than history or social studies. However, a lawyer will definitely need a good knowledge of the Russian language, since he needs not only accuracy in speech, knowledge and compliance with laws, but also maximum literacy in the documentation.


In some law schools, for example, the faculty of international law, one of the exams may be a foreign language. It either supplements the profile exams of the university, or surrenders instead of the history of Russia.


In addition to the Unified State Examination, some universities organize internal exams for specialized subjects for their students. At the Faculty of Law, an internal written or oral exam can be conducted in social studies, less often in the history of Russia. Find out information about the availability and conduct of such exams should be in the selection committee of the selected university or on its website.


In some universities, the places of applicants in the admission system are allocated not by the total points for all exams, but by points for specialized subjects. Specialties at the Faculty of Law are social studies and history, or social studies and a foreign language, while the Russian language can simply be credited as passed, without taking into account points. Therefore, you need to know in advance the system of admission to the selected university. And strive to get maximum points in all selected disciplines.

Useful advice

Before entering the Faculty of Law, one should get acquainted with such subjects as jurisprudence, the history of Roman law, and constitutional law. This will help you a lot in further training in the 1st year.