How to defend a diploma if you didn’t write it yourself

How to defend a diploma if you didn’t write it yourself
How to defend a diploma if you didn’t write it yourself

The defense of the thesis is the final step in obtaining a higher education. A lot of time is given for writing the project, but this does not prevent students from engaging outsiders in the creation of the work.

Instruction manual


Carefully study your final qualifying work. Reading a diploma not written by you is an essential element in preparing for defense before the commission. Therefore, it is advisable to take the finished work from the contractor at least a month before this event. Read the diploma three to four times to remember the main points, the structure of the work, the contents of the chapters and the information in general.


Pay attention to the introduction and conclusion. These two sections are of most value to the members of the commission, since during your speech they have time to read only them. But they have the same value in the compilation of speech speech, because they reveal the content of the work, its structure, goals and objectives, as well as the main conclusions and achievements of the study.


Write a speech. Speaking to the commission is your monologue with a description of the work, after which you will be asked clarifying questions. The speech should contain mandatory points: the title of the work, the relevance of the topic, the methodological basis, goals and objectives, the structure of the work with a brief description of the contents of the chapters.


Most of the presentation is devoted to the conclusions and results of the study, so they should be paid special attention. In the end, note that the topic is extensive and requires further study. If the speech is drawn up correctly, then the members of the commission are unlikely to have questions. After writing the text, contact your graduate supervisor for its assessment and adjustments.


Learn the text of the speech on defense by heart. You can peek at the sheet, but in no case read from it. Remember that your presentation affects the assessment more than the content of the work itself.

Useful advice

During the performance, try to restrain the excitement, hold with dignity. If you keep fiddling with a diploma all the time, the commission will suspect something was wrong.

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