How to learn French verbs

How to learn French verbs
How to learn French verbs

Video: French conjugation - How to memorize French verbs (5 EASY Tips) 2024, July

Video: French conjugation - How to memorize French verbs (5 EASY Tips) 2024, July

French is the language of diplomacy and the 19th century. Today he is taught for travel, companionship and because of his love for the system itself, sound, and the richness of the system of this language. One of the most important parts of speech in it is the verb. It is the mastery of the verb and its forms that gives a man a connoisseur, a connoisseur of French, and simply an educated person.

You will need

  • - teaching materials for the study of French verbs (with conjugation tables),

  • - Russian-French and French-Russian dictionaries,

  • - textbooks, notebooks.

Instruction manual


Write notes or cards. French verbs can be memorized like words from any other part of speech in any language. You have to cut small pieces of paper, on the one side of which you should write the French verb, on the second - Russian translation. Papers should be secured with tape everywhere in the apartment, but best of all - in places where you linger the longest: in the toilet, in the kitchen, above the computer. By reading the French word many times, you will remember its pronunciation. And even if you spy on the translation at the beginning, soon it will not be needed at all: the meaning of the word will itself pop up in your head (advice: do not place notes in the bathroom, since only ink spots will soon remain from the words).


Use pictures. Visualization is a great welcome. If you often consider illustrations when pronouncing the corresponding verbs, they will somehow be connected with the images. A certain reflex will be developed, and it will be much easier for you to choose the right word in the process of speech. An interesting example of such visualization is often used to explain verbs conjugated in complex tense forms with the verb être: they are all put in some illustrated semantic series of antitheses (he was born - he died, he rose - he went down, etc.)


Learn to isolate a verb in a speech stream, sentence, phrase. You need to be able to isolate a verb in a speech stream. This is not easy, but in this way you will learn to see the structure of the phrase, its semantic core: the subject and the predicate. The verb in the sentence can stand in different tense forms, as indicated by its end. Often French verbs unrecognizably change in different tense forms. It is important to learn all forms (especially pay attention to irregular verbs and typology by endings, since many verbs change the same way: verbs 1 and 2 groups, many of 3 groups).


Consider the polysemy of French verbs. In French, a single verb can have up to several dozen meanings. Sometimes it’s worth reading the entire article in the dictionary, and then looking for synonyms that can be used in the same context.

Useful advice

Train with French-speaking friends in using verbs. You will hear the most common colloquial forms (for example, il faut qu'on fasse, on y va, j'aimerais bien, vas-y, allez, etc.). Very soon, these constructions containing verbs will organically fit into your French speech.

  • Conjugation of any French verb
  • how to quickly remember french words
  • 6 Ways to Learn French Verbs and their Conjugations Quickly