How to solve an exam in physics

How to solve an exam in physics
How to solve an exam in physics

Video: How To Solve Any Physics Problem 2024, July

Video: How To Solve Any Physics Problem 2024, July

The Unified State Exam in Physics is one of the required exams for applicants to technical universities in Russia. It is known that every year competitive scores among applicants are increasing more and more. In order to enter a technical university on a budget, you need to score a passing score in three subjects: mathematics, Russian, and physics. With the delivery of the latter, schoolchildren traditionally have problems. The guys who have passed physics well, almost guarantee themselves admission to the university. You can pass the exam in physics for a good score if you analyze the structure of the test.

You will need

Calculator, materials on the exam, a guide to physics.

Instruction manual


The first part of control and measuring materials in physics (Part A) is a test in which you need to choose the correct answer (from four options). As a rule, the first part requires knowledge of the basic physical laws and formulas. This part is one of the most important, because up to sixty percent of the total test score depends on the delivery of Part A. For the delivery of Part A, it is desirable to work out many simple tasks from the exam papers.


To pass Part B, in which the student is required to solve problems of medium complexity and record the answer in the form, it is necessary to understand the algorithm for solving problems in two or three actions. First write down the main formula (when substituting the values ​​into which, you will get an answer). After that, write down those formulas in which the components of the calculated are used. To the maximum, use the values ​​presented in the condition. The specificity of the exam is that all the data provided to you must be used to get an answer. After you write down the values ​​from the "additional" formulas in the calculation, you can get an answer.


Part C is the most creative part of the exam. It is necessary to solve the problems in detail and write down their answer on a special form. First, select the tasks that seem most simple for you. It is almost impossible to solve all the problems of Part C, so you need to choose a task from the most convenient section of physics for you. It is very important to correctly understand the condition of the creative task and make the correct drawing. Then you can use the general tips for solving problems from the previous step, and you should also sequentially paint the progress of solving problems.


Do not worry or rush. Haste and excitement lead to unforced errors. Remember that for all its importance, a single exam in physics is just a test of your knowledge, an opportunity to prove yourself.

Useful advice

When deciding the exam should pay attention to time. Time for solving problems is a key factor, for three and a half hours you should score as many points as possible. Therefore, first solve the simplest tasks, and only then move on to the difficult ones.

Official Information Portal of the Unified State Exam