How to prepare for the Literature Olympiad

How to prepare for the Literature Olympiad
How to prepare for the Literature Olympiad

Video: 3 Steps For Getting A USAPhO Honorable Mention 2024, July

Video: 3 Steps For Getting A USAPhO Honorable Mention 2024, July

Literature Olympiad is always difficult. Creative tasks, tasks for comparison, to identify reminiscences, test questions. In addition, the Olympiad requires the participant to have in-depth knowledge, the ability to think creatively, analyze texts, and express his point of view.

Instruction manual


When reading a work of art, keep a literary diary in which write down the name of the work, characters, storyline, interesting sayings and quotes. Indicate page numbers so that later it is easy to find the material you need. Believe me, this is a very useful and necessary work.


Read critical literature, literary articles. But do it right after reading the work itself. It is also useful to get acquainted, at least in brief, with the biography of the writer. This will help you better understand his works.


At a literature Olympiad, knowledge of a textbook is unlikely to help you, so study encyclopedias and popular articles on the subject. Be sure to attend circles, additional classes, consultations on literature.


Feel free to ask teachers questions, engage in dialogue with the teacher and classmates, and express your point of view.


Write works on literature always yourself, without copying from various sources, without downloading them from the Internet. Firstly, the "external" compositions are not always of the best quality, and secondly, there are no you, your thoughts, feelings, thoughts about the read work.


Find the olympiad tasks in literature for previous years, complete them. The exam questions will help in this.


Be sure to read and learn basic literary concepts and terms. You can find them in your textbooks, special dictionaries, on the Internet. And in literature classes, the teacher, as a rule, explains their meaning.


Learn to analyze the literary text as a whole: its theme, composition, keywords, motives, details, all this helps to understand the main thing - the author’s idea.


At the Literature Olympiad itself, carefully read the assignments, complete the ones you are sure of first, then complete the more difficult, creative assignments. Do not be distracted, do not seek to help others. In most tasks there are many “steps” and points are awarded for each separately, then points are added up. For example, identify the topic (2 bp) and the idea of ​​a poem (3 bp); Describe the lyrical hero (4 p.). Thus, for the task you can score up to 30 points.