How to make a publication

How to make a publication
How to make a publication

Video: How to Create a Medium Publication in 8 minutes 2024, July

Video: How to Create a Medium Publication in 8 minutes 2024, July

Often in universities there are all kinds of scientific conferences on various topics. Also, graduate students write articles and post them later in special collections. It is important to know some rules for processing such publications.

Instruction manual


Make abstracts of scientific work. Your work in the original should be quite voluminous, that is, answer all questions, tasks and goals. In the publication, you need to write only the very essence of the study, the most important points and the practical solution. The latter is worth dwelling in more detail. So, make no more than 1 page of abstracts in A4 format with Times New Roman 12. Alignment should be centered. Try to clearly and concisely state the essence of the study in order to fit into this format. Make a few paragraphs (5-7), in each of which write no more than 3-4 sentences.


Write the main content of the publication. Next, collect all theses together and create the final picture. To do this, you will need to do everything strictly according to plan: introduction, tasks, theoretical and practical part, conclusion. Compose your abstracts so that after reading this publication you get a clear impression of the essence of the work.


Design a headline and subtitle for publication. The title of a scientific work is usually written in all capital letters and in bold. For example: Volunteer movement in the city of Perm. Next is the subtitle (name of the author and leader), which is drawn in italics and in regular font. For example: L.N. Ivanov, Scientific adviser D.N. Simonova.


Attach additional materials to the work. In addition to the main part of the publication, you can still add graphs, tables, pictures, etc. These illustrations should be scanned and attached to any part of the work: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end.


Make a list of references. In conclusion, write down the sources that you used when writing your scientific work. Choose 3-5 most significant of them. Number them in alphabetical order. Here is an example of source design: 1. Sazykin, B.V., Operational risk management in a commercial bank / B.V. Sazykin. - M.: Top, 2009.


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