How to write an essay on Taras Bulba

How to write an essay on Taras Bulba
How to write an essay on Taras Bulba

Video: Taras Bulba (1962) ORIGINAL TRAILER (HD 1080p) 2024, July

Video: Taras Bulba (1962) ORIGINAL TRAILER (HD 1080p) 2024, July

"Taras Bulba" - one of the most important works of N.V. Gogol. In a comprehensive school, he is studied in grades 7-8. As a rule, at the end of its reading and analysis, an essay is written.

Instruction manual


Choose for yourself the direction that you want to consecrate in the composition. About this story, you can write a lot of different works, which, nevertheless, will all have something in common. You can consecrate the theme of Andria's love, patriotism, the education of the Cossacks, folklore, landscape, etc. But be that as it may, the main leitmotifs will always be the images of the main characters and their struggle for the independence of their beloved Ukraine.


Tell us that Gogol knows firsthand the way of life of the Cossacks. At the beginning of the essay, tell the reader that Nikolai Vasilievich himself always had only sincere patriotic feelings for his homeland. Tell me that he himself was in those places about which he writes in the story and therefore knows how strong the self-consciousness of the Ukrainian people was.


Describe the main character of the story. Naturally, almost all works on this work are associated with the image of the old Cossack and the leader of the movement for the liberation of Taras Bulba. Tell us what exactly he put into the concepts of "Zaporizhzhya Sich", love for the motherland, love for children, etc. Write about how experienced he was as a warrior and military leader, as well as what other character traits were inherent in him.


Describe the sons of Taras Bulba. Dwell precisely on the opposition of the characters of Ostap and Andria. Show how they are similar and how they differ. Connect these two heroes with the images of Cossacks and Poles. Draw a parallel between the old and the new regimes of power. All this will help revitalize your essay and make it interesting to read.


Touch the topic of patriotism and love. Both of these directions simply penetrate the pages of the story of Taras Bulba, so it is worth mentioning them separately. Show the difference between mother’s love for sons and Cossacks’ love for their homeland. Draw a parallel between patriotism in the understanding of Bulba and his son Andriy. Tell us about the price the protagonist paid for thoughtless confrontation with enemy forces.


The topics listed in the article can be disclosed in any essay on the work of Gogol, but in different numbers, depending on the orientation.

Useful advice

Read the work yourself from beginning to end. And also study the biography of Gogol, at least in general terms. Then the composition will be very worthy.

Gogol. "Taras Bulba." Compositions.