How to write a review about a teacher

How to write a review about a teacher
How to write a review about a teacher

Video: FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam - How to Write a Review 2024, July

Video: FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam - How to Write a Review 2024, July

The feedback on the teacher’s work is a document that can both protect him from unfair accusations and reveal the negative aspects of his work. You can write a review from yourself and from the whole team.

You will need

- sheet / postcard.

Instruction manual


If the teacher systematically admits gross violations of students' rights (unflattering remarks addressed to them, refusal to take the test or exam at the scheduled time, failure to appear at lectures and seminars without warning, etc.), students begin to write a negative review about his work. But in such cases it is advisable to write not a review but a complaint. The fact is that a recall, even in its form, is not suitable for making claims. There is no addressee in the format of this document. But in a written complaint you can indicate in whose name it is submitted (in the name of the rector, dean, department head).


You can confine a positive feedback on a teacher to a certain date (professional holiday, graduation party, anniversary of teaching). This document allows a certain shade of solemnity. Write it on a special form or large postcard.


The official "cap" is not required for this review. You can address the text to the teacher himself, then start it with an appeal (dear full name), or refer to the manual. In this case, write: "prof. Full name teaches in group number_ since 200_ years."


Next, describe his relationship with students. Give preference to emotionally colored vocabulary. For example, “beautiful”, “sincere”, “open”, “outstanding”, etc. This will help you express your thoughts more clearly and capaciously. Remember that the review should not exceed an A4 sheet.


List all the scientific expeditions in which this teacher accompanied you. Indicate in the recall not only all the events in the organization of which he took part, but also the high level of their conduct.


Sign the review with the whole team.


If you want to help a teacher who is unfairly accused of professional incompetence, you can also write a review. But in this case, it is better for each student to write their own individual review. Because each student will bring his arguments in defense of the teacher and in the aggregate all these documents will be more significant than one collective review.


When compiling the text, do not give vent to emotions, give as many facts as possible that contribute to strengthening the positive image of this teacher, otherwise your words may not be taken seriously. Indeed, in any proceedings, real circumstances are taken into account, and not a subjective assessment.

teacher reviews