10 myths about education

10 myths about education
10 myths about education

Video: Top 5 Biggest Lies About School 2024, July

Video: Top 5 Biggest Lies About School 2024, July

There are many erroneous opinions and opinions about education. Here are the most common myths that many have heard.

1. Everyone needs higher education to become wealthy. This is the greatest misconception. There are hundreds of famous and richest people in the world who do not have higher education. For example, Bill Gates, everyone knows that this is one of the richest people on the planet. He does not have a higher education. This also includes the famous Coco Chanel, Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of the social network facebook.

2. Children must attend educational institutions. Education is not bad at getting at home, and some children are contraindicated in being in a team.

3. The sooner the child begins to attend school, the better. A six-year-old child with a seven-year-old perceives information differently. Between seven and six years a very important stage. The last year is extremely important for the development of the child. Seven-year-olds, as a rule, show much better results than six-year-olds. Of course, there are exceptions to the rules.

4. Education provincial schools worse than the capital. Excellent provincial educators also work in the provinces. You can find good teachers everywhere, the program is the same everywhere, regardless of the remoteness of the region.

5. Studying abroad is better than in Russia. Russian students who come to study abroad show better results than local students. Thus, we can conclude that Russia is far from the worst education, as many believe.

6. The school gives more knowledge to those families. Of course, the school provides a huge layer of knowledge in various subjects. But the family is able to teach a lot, moreover, in the family of the child are surrounded by people whom he trusts.

7. An older teacher teaches better than a young teacher. The ability to learn does not depend on age, but on professionalism.

8. The key to success is a great memory. It is not always so. Children with poor memory are much better oriented in the material and always know where to quickly find the information they need.

9. Upon admission to school, the child must already be able to read, write and count. Not necessarily, the baby will learn this at school. It is more difficult for teachers to correct the mistakes of parents who tried to teach this child on their own. Easier to learn from scratch.

10. Parents know better what profession the child should choose. This is the most common mistake. No need to impose your opinion on another person, even if it is your child. Let the teenager choose his own path.