What university do FSB officers teach

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What university do FSB officers teach
What university do FSB officers teach

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Video: Как не стать террористом. Фильм о фигурантах дела «Сети»* 2024, July

How to become an employee of the FSB, where to get a specialized education, what higher educational institutions of the FSB exist? Future employees of the Federal Security Service are trained both in educational institutions of the FSB and in a number of other educational institutions, both civilian and military.

FSB structure

In order to become an employee of the Federal Security Service, of course, you need to get a higher education, but to solve the question "where to go to study?" first you need to decide on the choice of profession. In the FSB, as well as in any other organization, a person must carry out a certain labor function, that is, work in a certain profession.

The structure of the FSB bodies includes, in addition to the Central Office of the FSB of Russia and local territorial bodies, also border guards and security agencies in the troops. The Federal Security Service has its own aviation units, special forces, units that provide support assistance in carrying out the tasks facing the state security agencies. Such "auxiliary" units are understood to be research, expert and medical institutions subordinate to the FSB.

Thus, the FSB authorities require employees of various specialties: lawyers, experts, border guards and other military specialists.

Universities of the FSB

The main educational institutions that train personnel for counterintelligence are universities that are part of the FSB system. Such universities are available in various regions of Russia. These are the institutes of the FSB of Russia in the cities of St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yekaterinburg, and the Academy of the FSB of Russia, located in Moscow. However, at the Academy of the FSB of Russia, basically, current employees improve their qualifications, while everyone who wants to enter the institutes of the structure has the opportunity. The rules and the procedure for admission to the FSB universities can be found on the official website of the selected institution.

In addition to these educational institutions, in the FSB system there are universities of the border troops. This is the Border Academy of the FSB of Russia in Moscow, and the Border Institutes in Moscow, in the Moscow Region (in the city of Golitsyno, Odintsovo District), as well as the Kaliningrad, Kurgan and Khabarovsk border institutes. Institutes have branches in other cities of the country. For example, in the Stavropol Territory there is a branch of the Golitsyn Border Institute.

In the educational institutions of the FSB, you can get higher education in the specialties of “legal support of national security”, psychology of official activity “, ” border activity. border officers.

But this is not all the specialties necessary for the operation of such a powerful structure. An important role in the work of scouts is played by technical means, and, therefore, technical specialists are required for their maintenance and even development and creation. Specialists of this category are trained both in institutions of higher education institutions, such as the Institute of New Information Technologies in Moscow, and in civilian educational institutions. Graduates with rare technical specialties are often invited to work in the system.