Top 15 Tips For Those Who Love To Learn

Top 15 Tips For Those Who Love To Learn
Top 15 Tips For Those Who Love To Learn

Video: 50 Powerful Study Tips in Under 15 Minutes 2024, July

Video: 50 Powerful Study Tips in Under 15 Minutes 2024, July

If learning is truly a joy for you, then this is undoubtedly the first step to success. Next, you need to decide how to learn productively, remember all the material and apply it in life. To do this, there are various ways of organizing educational everyday life, which will be discussed later in this article.

  1. Create a realistic study schedule for yourself. When you do extra activities, do short but frequent exercises so that your brain can rest and process information. When you are studying at an institute, school or college, also remember about planning. For example, you can decide in advance what to do during the break: read a book, repeat foreign words, or watch a series of science shows.

  2. You must do more than your homework. Accept as a rule: if you want to achieve really a lot, then you should not limit yourself only to what you have been asked to do, only to pass and get an assessment. You must always dive deep into the material, find in it a reflection of yourself, your life, present and future.

  3. Organize the world around you. It is never too late to do this, even if before that you were ineptly distributing your notebooks, stationery and study aids. Find a convenient organization system and arrange all things for study in accordance with it.

  4. Get ready for the challenges in advance. So, for example, in Russian universities all students often already know at the beginning of the session what questions they will have on the exam, but for some reason they begin to prepare only on the last night. This is an example of how you should not do it. Go purposefully to your goal right away, read the proposed texts, record answers to all questions on the recorder, and then listen to them while moving.

  5. Do not tell anyone what you are doing. No need to brag and tell what you read, how much, for what purpose. Let it remain in your head and on the pages of notebooks.

  6. Read constantly. Reading replenishes your vocabulary, makes you an interesting person, opens up many priorities. If you have not read for a long time, start with the classics, and then your mind will prompt what you need to read. Soon you will learn to understand books, will easily seek out philosophical subtexts.

  7. Speak written work out loud. You can hear errors faster than you see them. You can use the electronic reproduction service of written information.

  8. Never memorize the text of your speech. Write yourself only quotes, supporting "stones", and then, remembering them, you will simply remember the main goals of your report. It will never go astray.

  9. Always have a snack on hand. Peanut butter, nuts bars - this is what takes place in your refrigerator during training. These products will keep you fit for a long time.

  10. You should not study later than 10 pm. Otherwise, in the morning you will feel unwell. If you still have energy left, it's best to just go for a walk or read a book.

  11. Do not look for easy ways. If you are stuck on any task, you do not need to immediately rush to the decision-makers. Sit over him an extra forty minutes. Perhaps the solution is somewhere nearby.

  12. Be confident in the exam. Remember that an oral exam implies a conversation, so do not be scared if the teacher suddenly asked you something. Do not get lost, continue to develop the logical chain. At a written exam, you should isolate yourself from your surroundings, get rid of fear and make your main goal the confirmation of your own knowledge and getting new ones.

  13. Do not concentrate on grades. Just think about what you get. After all, if you constantly think about grades, then you should assume that when you reach a certain score, your mental work will end, and after a while all knowledge will be lost. So tune in to personal self-improvement, but not to a point-rating system.

  14. Learn with joy. Motivate yourself that learning is a path to development, a path to a better version of yourself. Studying is, of course, labor, but labor is pleasant, because with its help you open the doors to many peaks.

  15. Apply knowledge. Do not forget to not only learn, but also to personify learning in life. Use your interesting expressions, bring known facts, refer to the read literature. No need to lock information in yourself. Use it in your daily life.