Caution: adverbial turnover

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Caution: adverbial turnover
Caution: adverbial turnover

Video: Hedging Language - Academic Writing 2024, July

Video: Hedging Language - Academic Writing 2024, July

The Russian language is famous for the richness of its structure, which is created through the use of many designs that require compliance with special rules. One of these designs is the adverbial turnover.

The participle turnover is a structure formed on the basis of the participle.


The participle is a special part of speech, formed on the basis of the verb. It denotes the so-called additional action, that is, one that complements the main action performed by the subject. You can identify the participle by finding out what question this part of the speech answers. In case she is a participle, these will be the questions “What are you doing?” for the present and "What have you done?" - for the past.

Most often, the participle, denoting an additional action, is in the sentence in the immediate vicinity of the verb, which it explains. For example, the following sentence is constructed this way: "He told me about this, laughing." In this case, “laughing” is the participle that answers the question “What are you doing?”. On a letter, it is usually highlighted with commas.