How to determine a specialty

How to determine a specialty
How to determine a specialty

Video: How to CHOOSE A SPECIALTY | 6 Steps 2024, July

Video: How to CHOOSE A SPECIALTY | 6 Steps 2024, July

Choosing a profession is a responsible occupation. Sometimes people spend their whole lives searching for their path. In order not to lose precious years, you should decide on the choice of specialty as early as possible.

You will need

- test for career guidance.

Instruction manual


If you are one of those lucky people who since childhood have a strong knowledge of who they want to become, you're in luck. Surely you already know what specialties exist in your chosen faculty, and what disciplines you have to take. Feel that you can do it - boldly go forward to your dream.


If you have never had clear plans for your adult life, decide what is more important for you in life. Perhaps you would like to deal exclusively with what brings you pleasure, or the main thing for you is material wealth. Depending on this, you should choose a future specialty.


Surely your school has favorite subjects. Why do not you choose a profession, the activity in which will be associated with them. If you like to write essays - go to journalism. Prefer natural sciences - medical universities, as well as biological and chemical faculties are waiting for you. Do you have the best sciences? The Faculty of Mathematics will be glad to see you among its students. Fans of history, geography, and physics can enter the faculties of the same name.


School psychologists usually come to the class themselves and conduct tests for career guidance: according to the results of your answers to a special list of questions, several professions that are most suitable for you are told to you. You can also independently ask a psychologist to give you such a test or take it on the Internet.


Learn which professions are most in demand in your area or city where you would like to go. For example, in recent years there has been an excess of graduates of the Faculty of Economics, but many companies involved in the extraction and processing of fuel will be happy to hire a specialist in the gas and petrochemical industries.


Many young people often understand what they want to devote their lives to in their second or third year. Remember that before you pick up documents, you must understand where you will go later. Perhaps you do not need to re-enter another higher educational institution, but just transfer to a related specialty.