How not to fill up a session

How not to fill up a session
How not to fill up a session

Video: Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic Tutorial 2024, July

Video: Session Guitarist - Strummed Acoustic Tutorial 2024, July

Student performance depends on his knowledge, diligence, psychological attitude and consistent study during the semester. Students, even perfectly prepared for the examination session, tend to believe not only in their own strengths, but also in signs.

Instruction manual


In order not to overwhelm the session, skip lectures as rarely as possible. Keep notes, delve into the subject matter, participate in seminars or workshops where discussions are held, if such a form of training is present in the subject. Often, teachers who remember active and interested students remember and can even encourage a set-off, or a "five" machine.


According to the Regulation on course exams and tests (a standard document that a university can modify and clarify at its discretion), students are allowed to participate in the examination session only if all tests set forth in the curriculum are passed, and term papers and projects are protected. In fact, a test is the same mini-exam of knowledge for which one should prepare with no less zeal than for an ordinary exam. Get together and start learning disciplines before the exam session, that is, before and during the test week. Having a good start, you can successfully pass the entire session.


Distribute the load evenly. The exam schedule is usually approved by the rector and communicated to students one month before the session. It should be drawn up in such a way that from 3 to 5 days are allotted for the preparation for each discipline. So scatter all examination tickets for these days equally, and do not leave everything on the last night. Even better, if you begin to memorize the answers in advance, and leave the days before the exam to repeat the previously learned.


Students during the session diligently follow signs and believe in superstition, especially if they do not have time to read the entire textbook from cover to cover or to learn all the exam tickets. Probably, someone really helped not to fill up the session with freebie calls in the open window, a dream on a textbook or student’s test book, a five-ruble coin in a boot under the heel and the wish “No fluff, no feather”. But a full, sound sleep on the eve of the exam, a neat look, confidence and solid knowledge have not let anyone down.