The pedagogical credo of the teacher

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The pedagogical credo of the teacher
The pedagogical credo of the teacher

Video: Teachers and Students on Credo Series 2024, July

Video: Teachers and Students on Credo Series 2024, July

The pedagogical credo of the teacher of a preschool educational institution should reflect the main landmark in the work of the teacher. Before you go to work with children, it is important to understand your mission, task, that is, determine how you can contribute to the full development of each child and the entire children's team.

What is the pedagogical credo of the educator DOE

The current stage of development of the system of preschool education takes the work of the educator to a whole new level. Among the most important skills of any teacher, they note, first of all, the ability to analyze, realize, and draw conclusions. The requirements for regular certification of a teacher at a first and highest qualification category of pre-school educational institutions also include knowledge of introspection.

In addition to this most important requirement of the federal state educational standard, the teacher must for himself be aware of the main directions of his work with preschool children. Having decided on them, the preschool teacher will be able to formulate his credo.

The pedagogical credo of the DOU teacher is the motto of working with children, so it should sound short, but figuratively, clearly, strongly and individually. Almost every certification portfolio of a preschool teacher contains a pedagogical credo, in which the leading idea should be the love of children and their profession.

It is not at all the requirements of state standards, certification procedures and preschool institutions should be an incentive to write a creed. First of all, it is important for the teacher himself to be aware of the thoughts of his creed for self-knowledge and self-development in a professional and personal way.

The role of the preschool teacher in the development of children

Raising preschool children is a big responsibility. Each child is a unique person in whom a talented artist, a tireless experimenter, and an inquisitive observer live.

Therefore, the role of a teacher of a preschool institution can be stated in several postulates. The teacher must:

  • contribute to the harmonious development of children's abilities;

  • create conditions for the implementation of the individual makings of each child;

  • develop a child’s creative potential, independence, desire to learn and learn new things;

  • help the child to become aware of himself as a person in relationships with other people and society;

  • comprehend your actions, predict and evaluate the results.

Children are open to everything new and, first of all, to beauty and goodness, but at the same time they are sensitive to lies and injustice. It is important for the preschool teacher to come to the children with pleasure, to begin any activity with enthusiasm. It will not work to give children the first knowledge, play with them, develop and teach good, if the teacher does not like the process itself.

However, it is a mistake to imagine the work of a teacher in a preschool only as a game with children. The development of children requires a lot of patience, painstaking work, so that in the team every child has the opportunity to grow up as a real person.

Observation and sensitivity are no less important qualities. The child’s eyes reflect the state of his soul, you can see a lot in them. In order to understand the condition of the child, to be aware of his difficulties and to be able to help in time, the educator must be not only kind, but also sighted or, as it is customary to say today, empathic.

It is important not to be afraid to once again praise the child, even if his success is very modest. This will help to instill in children confidence in their abilities and capabilities, and cause a desire to take the next step. It is necessary for the child to trust the teacher, to have respect and appreciation. But it is important to justify his trust always, even in the most insignificant matters.

Any kindergarten teacher, working with a children's team, puts a piece of his soul in every child. Calm and fidgets, serious and restless, self-absorbed and inquisitive "how-tos" - it is important for the teacher to find his own approach, his own key.

Children under the guidance of an adult together learn to distinguish between good and evil, they know themselves, comrades and the world around them. The role of the preschool teacher in this process is huge, because a preschool child spends most of the day in kindergarten. Day by day, along with the teacher, they walk along the path of knowledge, study and learn the world, not only during classes, but also on walks.

What does it mean to be a teacher

The main feature of any teacher is that he must sincerely love children, and all children, regardless of their personal qualities. To be an educator means to have compassion, patience, a desire to come to work and see children.

It is important to love any child exactly as he is, even if he alone from the whole group does not know how to tie shoelaces or spills compote on himself. The teacher knows that the child’s development process is always individual and cannot be equated with the general team. To take into account the peculiarities of each baby is a necessary component of the work of the teacher of preschool educational institution.

The credo of any educator should be conveyed by the idea that one always needs to believe in the capabilities of each child, to see and cultivate the good that is inherent in nature. It is important to cultivate in them self-esteem and responsibility for themselves, for their actions.

Children's team is a special world and it is necessary to create and maintain a positive and creative atmosphere in it. Praise, encourage, approve and reinforce the child’s productive behavior both in the group and individually.

The secret of the skill of the preschool teacher is to conduct the educational process organically so that children do not feel the educational impact on themselves. But at the same time, interaction with the educator would contribute to the formation of a harmonious own “I” of the child, a holistic personality.

The fruits of the work of preschool teachers do not arise immediately; they naturally appear only after years. This profession gives the society prepared for the future life of children, confident, willing to develop further.

In modern conditions of life, it is not easy to be an educator, it is a difficult and responsible job, because not only versatile knowledge and experience are needed here, but also great patience. It is important for the preschool teacher to be constantly in a creative search, to bring something new to work and communication with children. Also, the teacher constantly learns from them devotion, openness, sincerity, manifestations of love.