How to easily overcome the language barrier

How to easily overcome the language barrier
How to easily overcome the language barrier

Video: This is how you overcome a language barrier | Steve Kaufmann | Big Think 2024, July

Video: This is how you overcome a language barrier | Steve Kaufmann | Big Think 2024, July

Knowledge of a foreign language opens up a whole world of opportunities. And one of the most significant of them is free communication with that many people who unfortunately do not know Russian. Now everything will be available to you - to pass an interview in a foreign language or agree on the terms of a profitable international transaction, travel freely, meet friends in another country. But for some reason, even if you thoroughly studied the whole set of rules of your chosen language and make sentences without a single mistake, this does not guarantee at the same time the appearance of a free communication skill. Or, having estimated the entire amount of time and money spent on learning a foreign language, you are not at all ready to begin this path. What to do in order not to lose all those wonderful opportunities that you can get?

It is necessary to overcome the language barrier. Better yet, do it so that being able to communicate freely in a foreign language allows you to replenish your vocabulary and remember the necessary rules. So where do you start?

You will need

Free time and good mood!

Instruction manual


Full immersion".

Stop believing that a “foreign” language is completely foreign to you. Just find a place for him in your daily life. Do you like listening to music? Find the full lyrics of your favorite songs, as well as their translation into Russian. And every time you hear a familiar melody, you can not only start to sing along, but also understand the meaning of the words. Do you like to plan your day, as well as make a shopping list? Why not do it also in a foreign language. Do household chores bore you? When cleaning, say the name of each thing in its place in a foreign language. Or place small stickers with appropriate names on the decor. Do you like to read? Why not read an interesting book in a bilingual version. And even if you are not yet ready to read the book in the original, memorizing some phrases will bring significant benefits. And if you love to watch movies - films with subtitles in Russian, or for turnover in a foreign language - this is for you. It is not necessary to force yourself to watch movies in the original. Even if you use subtitles from time to time - this will already be a good contribution to your knowledge. You can come up with many ways to make a foreign language as familiar and understandable as your own. The main thing is that you use it every day, and not twice a week during classes in courses or with a teacher, or even worse from time to time.


We practice communication.

Now that the foreign language is no longer associated with textbooks and rules, but has become an interesting part of your life, we move on to communication. Let's start with small dialogs. Of course you read a lot of different dialogues in textbooks, fiction books, you saw how movie characters communicate with each other. You are even sure that you could easily communicate in a foreign language on certain topics. But alas, communication in life is not like the communication described in books. You should be able to tell exactly what you are thinking about at the moment, quickly select the necessary words, if the topic of the dialogue has changed, express your feelings. Specialized websites where you have the opportunity to meet and communicate in a foreign language with native speakers from around the world are ideal for this. This is a great opportunity to gain communication skills, learn to conduct a dialogue on a topic that is interesting to each of the participants, and not according to the scheme specified in the textbook. Give this lesson at least half an hour a day and you will feel a significant improvement in your knowledge. Not to mention the opportunity to learn a lot of interesting things about the life of other countries from their new friends.


Talking is easy!

It's time to get the maximum result. You have already learned how to communicate, and conversations with native speakers are already familiar to you. It's time to move on to live communication. To do this, first select a language club. Choose a game in a foreign language to your taste, or discuss a topic. If there is simply no language club in your city, try organizing your own. The rules are very simple. All participants who came to the language club communicate only in a foreign language. No dictionaries at hand, unlike communication on specialized sites. Only your knowledge and ability to express your thoughts with the words that you remember. It will be very fun and interesting. And you will take another huge step forward. And having realized your strength, it’s very easy to start communicating with one or two partners within an hour, or maybe even with a native speaker, whom in return you will learn to speak Russian. In such a small campaign, you will have to talk a lot, and there will be very little time to find words. Therefore, it is best to start communicating in a large group where your thoughtfulness will not be so noticeable.

It's so simple to completely forget that you are not familiar with a foreign language. You can always ask your new friends to explain the meaning of a word, the need to apply a certain rule, which is much more interesting than classes or textbooks. Although you will perceive the textbooks with dictionaries in a completely different way, preparing for the next meeting and gladly re-reading the necessary information. Not boring you learning a foreign language and excellent communication!