Where to go to the designer

Where to go to the designer
Where to go to the designer

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Video: How to get DESIGNER CLOTHES for CHEAP | GUCCI, OFF WHITE, PRADA |Affordable Clothing 2024, July

Professional designers at higher educational institutions began to be trained 8 years ago. Until that time, such a profession did not officially exist in Russia, and the “design” direction was part of the training program for artists, decorators and decorators.

Instruction manual


The oldest and best-equipped design faculties are in Moscow universities, which were among the first to catch the general market conditions and organize specialized faculties. So, you can enter the faculty of design at the Moscow State Art and Industry Academy named after S.G. Stroganova. The passing score according to the exam results should not be less than 283 (data for 2013). You can get to the Russian State University of Tourism and Service, the Faculty of Technology and Design with 277 points, and the Institute of Design will accept with 266.


Moscow’s educational institutions such as the Russian State Social University, the State Architectural Academy, which a few years ago was an architectural institute, as well as the Moscow State Technical University MAMI, also have to go to the faculty of Automobiles and Tractors..


In the Northern capital, the designer is taught the Architectural and Construction Institute (Design of the architectural environment), the University of Technology and Design, the Nevsky Institute of Management and Design (European Institute of Experts).


Outside the capital cities, a designer’s education can be obtained at the South Ural State University (SUSU), by the way, in addition to the design department, you can also enter the technical faculties that offer a full-fledged Web design training program.


Landscaping can be mastered at the Institute of Continuing Professional Education in Nizhny Novgorod. Tuition is paid, but the passing grade is low. In Samara, there is a School of Modern Design. This is not a higher education, but the skill does not give a bad one, moreover, the educational program provides for many workshops and internships, including outside the country.


Full and high-quality education of the designer is provided by the state universities of Tomsk and Novosibirsk. In both universities, training complies with the state educational standard, at the end of the faculty, a bachelor or master degree is awarded, a state diploma is issued. The only negative is the small number of budget places and a high passing score for the exam.

what exams do you need to take for a designer