What grade will be over a quarter if the average score is 3.5

What grade will be over a quarter if the average score is 3.5
What grade will be over a quarter if the average score is 3.5

Video: 3.4. Test Scores and Grade - Java 2024, July

Video: 3.4. Test Scores and Grade - Java 2024, July

In most schools in Russia, grades in intermediate grades were previously set by rounding the average mark. Not so long ago, this method was found to be imperfect, so document-provisions appeared in schools that clearly spelled out all the recommendations for marking. All teachers use these recommendations, especially when the quarterly assessment is controversial.

The average score of 3.5 is the value at which a teacher for a quarter can set both three and four. That is a moot point. And in order not to underestimate, but not to overestimate the student, the teacher strictly follows the recommendations that are spelled out in the document-provision of the rules for assessing student achievements.

Grading in intermediate grading is as follows: the teacher calculates the average student score separately for control and verification work, separately for answers to lessons, and also for homework separately (of course, only those grades that were put in the journal are taken into account). Further, having on hand three average points for specific works, the teacher and puts a mark for a quarter. It is worth noting that the greatest “weight” when setting the mark in the intermediate certification is verification and control work, while homework is the least.

Since the introduction of an electronic diary in schools, both the student and the parents of the students can track why they are graded and independently calculate which grade will be over a quarter. For example, if during the study period the student received 4 and 5 for control, 3 and 3 for answers in the lesson, and 2 and 4 for homework, then the average score of these marks will be 3.5, and the teacher in this case is likely in total, in the quarter it will set the four, because the main works are performed on “good” and “excellent”.

Important: do not rely on the average score that the program prescribes on a site with an electronic diary. After all, it does not take into account why grades are given, which means that it cannot correctly assess the knowledge of the student. Who is able to do this is a teacher who leads discipline.