How to fill out a lawyer's practice diary

How to fill out a lawyer's practice diary
How to fill out a lawyer's practice diary

Law students undergo three practices during training: introductory, production and undergraduate. After going through each of them, you need to take a practice diary. The technique of filling it is generally similar, it is important to remember only that from the records in it the purpose of the practice should be clear.

Instruction manual


Decide what practice you are going through. Its purpose and, consequently, the entries in your diary will depend on this. Introductory practice is the first and lasts 3-4 weeks, during this time the student is only required to observe the work of lawyers and show that he understands the principles of the lawyer. Manufacturing practice exists so that a student can take part in the work of a company or institution and fulfill the simplest assignments. Undergraduate practice requires active participation in the work to collect and comprehend material for the thesis.


Create a practice diary. It should be a three-column table. In the first you indicate the date. In the second, briefly write what you did on this day. The third one should be signed by your curator (the one who directly gives you the job). After passing the practice, he must put the seal of the organization or institution under the table and sign it.


If you are doing an introductory practice, you can simply describe your actions: attended a court hearing, read and analyzed a contract. Describe the action briefly in one or two sentences.


It is important for those who undergo practical training to indicate their direct participation in the work, no matter how insignificant it may be. If you got a job in court, write that you prepared inventories and sewed up cases, sorted out subpoenas. You can write a practitioner at a company about compiling a folder for a particular project, an analysis of judicial practice on any issue. Two or three sentences are enough.


Students in their final year, it is important to focus on preparing for writing a diploma. Ideally, you should work on its topic (for example, if you are writing a diploma in copyright, you should also practice in a company that does this). Try every day to indicate that you have done something that is related to the thesis. This should also be the implementation of practical tasks (preparation of draft documents, analysis of legislative acts).


Not always students in the last year manage to do internships where you can find information for a diploma. If you work in a completely different field, then try to mention your topic at least a few times. Did you go to court? Write that you are acquainted with the decision on reinstatement at work (if you must defend a diploma in labor law). As a rule, curators of the practice understand such things and turn a blind eye to the "extra" information in the diary.


A practice plan, a diary to the report and a description of the place of practice are also attached to the report on the practice of a lawyer. The sequence of submission of documents when submitting a report on practice is the next Head of practice from the enterprise. Mikhalkov Valery Alexandrovich. The following are two examples of how a report on lawyer practice is performed.

Useful advice

Undergraduate practice is an important element of the educational process for the preparation of a specialist in the field of jurisprudence. During its passage, the future lawyer applies the knowledge gained in the learning process, skills in practice. 4.3. Violation of the internal routine of the enterprise. Appendix 2. Practice diary at the legal consulting agency "YUKASTROY".

lawyer practice diary