How to record notes

How to record notes
How to record notes

Video: How To Record Audio and Take Notes With Microsoft Word 2024, July

Video: How To Record Audio and Take Notes With Microsoft Word 2024, July

Oral language in any language can be translated into written. Similarly, music has its own written language - musical notation. To learn how to write notes, you need to practice just like you learned to write letters and words in first grade.

Instruction manual


Read a tutorial on music theory. If it seems complicated, find something simpler. “Music ABC” or “Music instrument” is quite suitable. You must read all the material at once, from cover to cover. The purpose of such a reading is not to remember everything that has been read, but simply to get acquainted with some basic concepts, to “taste” what a musical notation is. This is how to approach the sea for the first time and touch the water with your foot. The depths of the water have not yet been explored, but some sensation is already appearing. So it is with notes.


Buy a good music book. Treat it like a recipe used in the first grade of a school. Remember, there were special notebooks in which it was convenient to write letters. Notebook should be beautiful, with neat rulers, with nice-to-touch pages. So you like the learning process.


Find a music compilation. If you plan to learn how to play the piano, find a collection of sketches and plays for beginner pianists. If you are interested in another instrument, find the notes for this instrument in the music department of the bookstore.


Rewrite a part of the collection in a notebook. Everything is simple here - look and copy everything you see into a notebook. So you will learn how to record notes. Various unknown icons will become clear. At the same time, re-read the theory of music.


Before you rewrite the whole work, practice writing separate musical signs in a music notebook. Draw circles, sticks, dots, just like you learned to write letters. Look for individual elements in the collection and practice writing them.

Useful advice

You do not need to rewrite the entire collection with notes in a notebook. Just start with short pieces of music, and there you will feel that everything is clear.

  • Lectures on musical notation
  • how to write notes