How to learn to be a dog handler

How to learn to be a dog handler
How to learn to be a dog handler

Video: How to become a professional dog trainer? - Everything you need to know to become a dog trainer- 2024, July

Video: How to become a professional dog trainer? - Everything you need to know to become a dog trainer- 2024, July

There are people who want to associate their profession with dogs. But if you can learn to be a veterinarian in many cities of Russia, then you still need to look for faculties or courses for dog handlers. With such education, you can open your nursery, conduct breeding work, conduct an examination in the ring or work in the cynological service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The main thing in this profession is true love for dogs, endurance, endurance. Both male and female students successfully study at dog handlers.

Instruction manual


First you need to decide on a specialization in cynology. Most educational institutions that graduate such specialists offer training in the following specialties:

- breeding instructor;

- trainer;

- zoo engineer with the qualification of dog handler;

- exterior expert.

You need to decide because, despite the similarity of the curriculum, the training course and the professional field in which you apply the acquired knowledge are different. Indeed, one wants to be professionally engaged in breeding, the other wants to be judged in the ring, and the third wants to work in the police or the Ministry of Emergencies.


In addition, there are universities, colleges and cynological courses. Form of study can be full-time, evening, correspondence. In universities and technical schools, as a rule, a more fundamental education is given - a partial or full course of veterinary medicine, the theory and practice of training, zoopsychology, the basics of genetics and breeding, and the exterior of breeds. And in courses that last several months collected a little from everywhere, but the main emphasis is on that specialty, which will be indicated in your diploma.


If you are interested in higher cynological education, then they will help you at TSAA them. Timiryazev, in Moscow, though the main direction there is “zoo engineer, ” and you can choose a narrow specialization in the last courses. The same university offers extramural dog training courses. There is a canine department at the Moscow Veterinary Academy and the Veterinary-Cynological School. There is a specialty "management in cynology" at the Academy of Security and Law in the Moscow Region, - branches in the cities of Schelkovo, Balashikha, Chernogolovka. You are also ready to be accepted at the St. Petersburg State Agrarian University at the zoo-engineering faculty, specializing in biologist with a specialization in cynologist. True, these universities are mainly aimed at training experts and specialists in breeding.


If, after training, you intend to enter the service of law enforcement agencies, then you have a direct road to the Perm Institute of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, since only here canine specialists are trained for law enforcement agencies and law enforcement agencies. It gives a clear emphasis on the detention, protection and escort of convicts, as well as forensics. There is a college at the university.


Specialized secondary education can be obtained at the Moscow Construction College №38 for full-time and part-time studies. There are also many technical schools in the regions that graduate in this specialty. You should contact one of these institutions: Arkhangelsk Agricultural College, Konstantinovsky Agricultural College, College at Ural State Agricultural Academy in Yekaterinburg. In the city of Volokolamsk, Moscow Region, there is a zoovetotechnical school that trains in the following specialties: “dog handler”, and “veterinarian”. In the Pskov region, in the city of Sebezh in Idritsa, the agricultural technical school will teach the specialty "dog handler" and "dog veterinarian". In all of the above technical schools, enrollment is carried out according to the results of the exam on the basis of grades 9 and 11.


You can limit yourself to courses, although most often they are extramural and paid, but there is the opportunity to quickly learn the profession, being anywhere in the country. Firstly, these are courses at the RKF, in the specialties of a judge by breed and judge by working qualities. In the Krasnodar Club of Dog Breeding "Animal Protection", training is being provided for expert trainees and amateur dog handlers.

In Rostov-on-Don, you can attend correspondence courses at the RSCC "Monarch", founded at the Russian State Agrarian Correspondence University.