How to learn French yourself

How to learn French yourself
How to learn French yourself

Video: how I learn french! 🇫🇷 2024, July

Video: how I learn french! 🇫🇷 2024, July

French is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful and popular languages ​​in Europe. Many people dream of being able to communicate freely on it. However, in Russian schools, English and German are studied to a greater extent, therefore it is often necessary to master the additional French language independently and already in adulthood.

You will need

  • - French language tutorial

  • - French-Russian dictionary

  • - French grammar

  • - multimedia French course

  • - notebooks for notes

Instruction manual


Of course, any language is the easiest and most effective way to learn in special courses or with an individual teacher. But often adults do not have the opportunity to attend classes, so you have to learn the language yourself. Fortunately, with high motivation and perseverance, it is quite possible to perfectly learn a foreign language yourself.


For a person who owns a computer, the most optimal option for learning French will be one of the multimedia programs that are currently released quite a lot. A computer disk will allow you to take a language course almost identical to full-time in the classroom. You can purchase a multimedia course through the Internet or in a bookstore selling educational literature and computer programs.


Using a computer application, you will also receive explanations of the grammar and syntax of the language as under the guidance of a real teacher, you will listen to examples of the correct pronunciation and perform tasks. The program itself will check them, indicate errors and help to fix them. However, in addition to computer software, in any case, you will need a French textbook, grammar guide and a French-Russian dictionary.


If it is not possible to use a professionally compiled multimedia course, you can learn French on your own in a different way. Although in this case, the work will be more difficult and progress will be slower. First of all, try to get a good French language tutorial. When choosing it, pay attention to the syllable of the book, how difficult it is for you to understand the material presented. Try to choose the most accessible literature.


Additionally, be sure to purchase a large French-Russian and Russian-French dictionaries, a grammar guide and, preferably, a French phrasebook for tourists. Using the phrasebook, you will learn the most common turns and stable expressions. You will also need notebooks for notes. It is better to have separate notebooks for doing exercises and for writing new words with translation. Working as a self-instruction manual, try to pass each lesson in succession, completing all exercises and tasks. If something is not clear to you, do not try to jump over the topic and move on, be sure to understand the difficult material.


For a better understanding of the basic vocabulary, make it a rule to learn 10 new words every day. Words should be studied in this way: make small cards from thick paper about the size of a quarter sheet of A4 paper. On the one side write 10 new French words, on the back the same 10 words with translation into Russian. Learn words by looking at French originals and peep into a translation only if you don’t remember their meaning at all. Cards are convenient in that they can be carried with you everywhere and learn words with every free minute. For example, while traveling in transport or while waiting at a bus stop.


An equally effective way is to record French words and phrases translated into an MP3 player and listen on the go throughout the day. Thus, you will quietly gain the necessary lexical volume. Almost from the very beginning of training, try to watch as many films in French as possible and read simple books or newspaper articles. This experience will give you the necessary skill to understand a foreign language and its application in everyday life.

Useful advice

Any language without practice is dead, so from the very first months of learning French, try to find the possibility of written or oral communication with native speakers on the Internet or in real life.