How to learn exam tickets

How to learn exam tickets
How to learn exam tickets

Video: Make a good study plan 2024, July

Video: Make a good study plan 2024, July

The exam serves as a test of the knowledge that you have gained during the training period. Most often, a few days before it, exam tickets are issued, which must be learned in order to successfully pass the test.

You will need

  • - the Internet;

  • - computer;

  • - markers;

  • - A list of exam questions.

Instruction manual


See a list of all questions. Highlight with a marker or colored pencil those that you can answer without any preparation. If you attended classes, then most likely such questions will be. If they are not, do not be discouraged, just keep in mind that the preparation time will take longer.


Highlight in a different color those questions for which you do not know the answers at all. Of course, the fewer they are, the better. You will need to pay special attention to the highlighted items.


Count how many questions you do not know at all and how many are left unmarked. It is this number of tickets that you have to learn. Tickets for which you can answer right now, simply repeat before the exam.


Determine how many days you will need to prepare. This can be calculated as follows: 5-7 tickets for one evening. A larger amount for perception will already be difficult. Remember that the main thing is to understand what is at stake, and not to chase quantity.


Pick up materials to study. Set aside one day. Create a document where you collect answers to all the exam questions that you are going to teach. Keep them consistent. Very often, the answer to one ticket can logically follow from the answer to the previous one. When searching for material, you can use the Internet, literature, textbooks, etc. Much depends on the wishes of the teacher.


Start reading the material found. It’s best to keep the sequence of questions. The fact is that most often in one ticket contains 2 questions. The first of them is from the first half of the list, and the second, respectively, from the last. Therefore, even if you do not have time to learn all the questions, the likelihood that you will come across a ticket that you cannot answer at all is excluded.


When memorizing, try to rely on the images and impressions that arise during your reading. This will help reproduce the information more accurately. Before the exam, review the list of exam questions again to make sure that you can answer any of them.