How to learn gypsy language

How to learn gypsy language
How to learn gypsy language

Video: Gypsy language tape #1 2024, July

Video: Gypsy language tape #1 2024, July

The gypsy language has developed from the Indo-Aryan branch of the Indo-European languages. Due to the long nomadic life of the gypsy people, this language was filled with many dialects, which were formed under the influence of the surrounding languages.

You will need

  • - vocabulary;

  • - Gypsy language tutorial;

  • - Gypsy books and films.

Instruction manual


You can learn the gypsy language in special courses or with the help of a tutor. And you can choose an independent path. In the latter case, it will be a more exciting process, but classes should be carefully planned and held daily. You cannot quit learning a language midway or learn it from time to time.


Use the tutorial. You can download it from the Internet or buy a suitable book in a store. Usually it is broken into lessons. Follow one of them every day, scrupulously analyzing each rule. And be sure to do all practical tasks.


Do not try to fit in your head a large number of new words or expressions. Since then you can just get confused. It’s better to remember some of them well and try to slowly apply them in everyday life. You can write gypsy words on stickers and stick them on the necessary items. When learning new ones, do not forget about repeating what you have already learned.


Read books. Having studied the alphabet and pronunciation, choose for yourself a light book in the gypsy language and read several pages daily. Do not look in the dictionary for every word, because it can have many meanings, and you will only get confused. Just try to understand the basic meaning of a sentence or paragraph. As you speak the language, increase the amount of material you read.


Watch movies. Try to find gypsy paintings on the Internet and view them at least several times a week. It is also useful to listen to audio recordings.


Put the acquired knowledge into practice. For example, chat in gypsy native forums or just say your words out loud. You can also make friends with representatives of the gypsy people, who are many in every city. But this should be done carefully, since not everyone will begin to communicate out of pure motives.

Gypsy phrasebook