How to learn English in a month

How to learn English in a month
How to learn English in a month

Video: How to Speak English Fluently like an American in just 1 Month (Step by step) - Part 1 2024, July

Video: How to Speak English Fluently like an American in just 1 Month (Step by step) - Part 1 2024, July

Often situations arise in our life when the knowledge of a foreign language is urgently required. For example, there was the prospect of an interesting business trip to a foreign country, the need arose to pass an important exam for further career growth, and a simple desire to travel as a tourist to see the world requires knowledge of at least one foreign language. In most cases, of course, this applies to English, which has become the language of international communication today.

Instruction manual


The problem of domestic education is that at the exit from a school or university, most students of a foreign language do not really know. Therefore, if necessary, you have to catch up on your own and in the shortest possible time. But is it possible to learn English in a month? It is such a short time.


Let us make a reservation right away: it is impossible to fully learn any foreign language in a month. It is simply not possible. However, it is quite possible in this short time to master the basics of the language, learn to fluently speak it and understand the interlocutor. This is especially true of English. Fortunately, this language belongs to the category of not the most difficult European languages. His grammar is easily digested, due to the lack of numerous cases and complex endings. At the same time, English has a peculiar phonetics, in which pronunciation is practically not associated with spelling, which creates difficulties for people previously unfamiliar with this language. Therefore, if you set a goal to learn English in a month, you will first have to pay special attention to listening, training your understanding by ear and pronunciation.


The most optimal and effective way to quickly learn English are full-time express training courses. They suggest daily many hours of English classes with a complete immersion in the language environment. Naturally, a person who is forced to constantly speak and understand in a foreign language, inevitably begins to do this more confidently. Therefore, at the end of intensive monthly courses, you are guaranteed to be able to communicate on common topics, quite successfully understand the interlocutor, and independently build simple phrases. At the same time, gain a solid vocabulary.


Unfortunately, it is not always possible to attend intensive language courses. In this case, there are two training options: attend an individual tutor or study English on your own. The effectiveness of such classes, of course, will be lower, but even with the good faith of the student, they can give a lot. When working with a tutor, an experienced teacher will tell you the most optimal teaching methodology, but if it comes to self-study, you will have to choose the teaching materials and build a lesson schedule yourself.


For self-study of English, it is best to use a computer multimedia program. Today, there are a lot of corresponding training software and it’s not difficult to choose something suitable. A multimedia program will allow you to simultaneously learn pronunciation, understanding, grammar and gain vocabulary. And all this in an easy way. It is very important in independent studies to achieve emotional involvement, interest in the learning process. Learning English should be interesting and bring joy, then all new material will be absorbed much better. It is necessary to try to avoid mechanical cramming, especially grammatical forms. This method does not give much, but it takes a lot of time and energy. In addition to the training program, you will also need English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries, a textbook or grammar guide and a notebook for recording examples and exercises.


In addition to direct classes, try to get in touch with the English language at every opportunity: watch news and films in English (English-language TV shows with Russian subtitles are great), read newspapers and interesting sites. And most importantly, use every opportunity to speak with native English speakers. Do not be embarrassed that at first you will distort words and confuse grammatical forms, the most important thing here is to overcome the psychological barrier and begin to communicate.


Everyone understands that it is impossible to learn English in a month. However, this is not about learning. English for a month will help you learn the video course "Quick Entry into English." After completing all the tasks from the course, you can read, speak and sing in English. To learn English in a month you need a certain minimum of knowledge!

Useful advice

The English program for a month is a program for a quick and comprehensive study of the English language. The main emphasis in the system is on the auditory perception of new words. Therefore, you will perfectly understand the native speakers who speak with you, in contrast to the students of classical courses who cannot perceive speech at an early stage of training.

  • Can I learn English in a month?
  • learn english in a month