How to choose a higher education

How to choose a higher education
How to choose a higher education

Video: Undecided? | Genevieve Morgan | TEDxYouth@CEHS 2024, July

Video: Undecided? | Genevieve Morgan | TEDxYouth@CEHS 2024, July

Higher education may not yet speak of anything. But his absence says a lot. A person who graduates from any university, regardless of the chosen specialty, is always more interesting, more developed, has a broader horizons. But, in addition to the general advantages of five-year education, everyone would like to leave the walls of alma mater also with a sought-after profession behind them. Therefore, when choosing a place of study, it is so important to weigh the pros and cons. This applies to the specialty itself and the place of its acquisition.

Instruction manual


When choosing a specialty, be sure to take the career counseling test. As a rule, in the last grades a schoolboy can figure out who he is - a techie or a humanist? But there are times when this is not easy. Suddenly you like completely different sciences? The test will tell you directions in which your addictions can be realized.


Read the relevant literature. What professions are needed right now? And which specialists, on the contrary, are in overabundance? Which professionals will always be missed? Choose a field in which there are alternative career options. So, philological education is not only a direct path to the school board, but also an interesting work in the newspaper, on television, in PR agencies. The same goes for IT technology. But lawyers or economists have oversaturated the market for a long time.


The next step is to choose an educational institution. The main selection criteria should be such factors as professional teaching staff, technical equipment, and high quality training. Equally important is the availability of a student dormitory for nonresident residents, the presence of a budget department if the financial situation of the family does not allow paying for their studies.


Think about how you will study. Choosing a full-time department, you, as a student, will undoubtedly taste all the delights of this beautiful time. You will participate in student "skits", live a full student life. There will be an opportunity to get more detailed and in-depth knowledge on subjects, to get to know more interesting people. But if you are ready to work and prefer to learn the profession in practice, then your option is the correspondence or evening department.


When choosing an education, take this issue as seriously as possible. But, keep in mind that sometimes the profession, which seemed so tempting after graduation, will result in completely not yours. How many cases when future doctors fainted at the sight of blood, and future pilots began to get nervous at altitude. If you don’t try, you don’t know. If you make a mistake, correct it. Transfer, start over, finish and apply for a second higher education. People seek themselves at any age. And often they change their profession on their life paths.


1. If you receive a second higher education in a related field, for example, humanitarian, you have the right to be immediately enrolled in the third year. If you from the teacher decided to go to the doctors, you have to unlearn from the very beginning.

2. Entering the commercial department, find out if there is a possibility in the future to transfer to the budget. Some public universities provide such an opportunity for diligent students.

Useful advice

1. Remember that you have the right to submit documents to several educational institutions. This will increase your chances of admission.

2. If you enroll in several universities, try to ensure that the subjects in which you need to pass the exam approximately coincide. Otherwise, it may affect the quality of preparation.