Where do they study Latin

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Where do they study Latin
Where do they study Latin

Video: 3 Reasons to Study Latin (for Normal People, Not Language Geeks) 2024, July

Video: 3 Reasons to Study Latin (for Normal People, Not Language Geeks) 2024, July

Latin is considered dead, but is still used today in the fields of medicine, pharmacology, law, linguistics. Therefore, most often Latin is studied by students of these specialties.

Many specialties in universities have at least a semester in their curriculum, and even a year of studying Latin. First of all, Latin is studied by philologists and linguists. For these students, Latin is the basis of the language, the very original form from which many modern languages ​​originated - Italian, Spanish, French and many others.

In addition, from the Latin language there are borrowings in Russian. Words that appeared in our language from others also have Latin roots. It is important for future philologists and linguists to understand the processes of the emergence and transfer of words, so at the beginning of their training they devote time to studying the grammar and word formation of the Latin language.

Historians and Lawyers

Historians study Latin for almost the same reason as linguists, they only pay special attention not to the grammatical structure of the language, but to vocabulary, in particular, to the names of many settlements in Latin. This opens the relationship of modern cities and villages with the old names of these places, traces the movement of the population from one part of the continent to another, as well as places of military battles. Latin roots in the names help historians to recreate the ancient picture of the world and life of the people living at that time.

Law students study Latin from the legal side. The famous Roman law, a harbinger of modern law, was written in Latin, and many terms, words, expressions and names have been preserved in jurisprudence since those ancient times. Here, in order to understand these expressions, to read and translate from the Latin language, lawyers also need knowledge of Latin.