How to increase your intelligence

How to increase your intelligence
How to increase your intelligence

Video: 4 Powerful Techniques to Increase Your IQ 2024, July

Video: 4 Powerful Techniques to Increase Your IQ 2024, July

Many confuse intelligence with creativity and erudition. Whereas it combines all the cognitive abilities of a person: sensation, perception, memory, representation, thinking, imagination. Even in adulthood, you can achieve positive changes if you act regularly and systematically.

Instruction manual


Deal with terminology

When scientists talk about general intelligence, they mean how this person adapts to the environment in general. But it is assumed that people with similar general intelligence have different specific abilities. Some techies, others humanities, still others dance, others crochet. That's why in the formula of intelligence there is always an S icon - an indicator of specific abilities. These abilities are required to solve specific problems. And they are formed either by unique experience, or by social conditions (parents forced to study music), or by personal inclinations of a person (from childhood, he dreamed of learning to dance samba). If a person is engaged in self-improvement, he must be clearly aware of which aspects of his personality, which aspects of intelligence require pumping.


Choose the main thing.

Psychologist Thurstone has identified seven classic aspects of intelligence. The first is the ability to operate with numbers. The second is the ability to easily express oneself, select the most accurate words. The third is the ability to understand spoken and written language. The fourth aspect is spatial orientation or the ability to imagine various objects and forms in space. The fifth is memory. Sixth is the ability to reason. Seventh - the speed of perception of similarities or differences between objects, a quick analysis of details and the ability to distinguish them into groups according to characteristic features. It is important to understand that all elements of intelligence are interconnected. If you stimulate speech skills, then improve and memory. The main thing is to choose the right exercises.



Classics of the genre - chess, reading, music, dancing, foreign languages. Chess - analytics, memory, spatial thinking. Reading - memory, speech skills, reasoning ability. Strange as it may seem, music and dancing cover all seven aspects of intelligence, because they involve not only practical exercises, but also knowledge of theory. In addition, these are group classes, which means they involve a circle of friends of interest. This involves communication, and therefore learning new skills. And this is very good for intelligence. In this regard, foreign languages ​​are one of the most effective methods for upgrading the brain.


Alcohol, smoking, and even more extreme drugs adversely affect intellectual abilities. They can relieve stress for a short time, but in general they block nutrients and, most importantly, oxygen, so needed by brain cells. It is possible and necessary to deal with stress in other ways: to engage in sports, meditation, or, in the end, visit a therapist.

Useful advice

A high level of intelligence suggests high brain activity. And that means the correct balanced diet, in which there will be a sufficient amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Proper nutrition and fresh air are the key to a quick mind and good memory.

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