How to multiply in exel

How to multiply in exel
How to multiply in exel

Video: How to Multiply Columns in Excel 2024, July

Video: How to Multiply Columns in Excel 2024, July

The multiplication operation is one of the few most used in any field of activity, and the Excel spreadsheet editor is one of the most commonly used calculation tools in tables. To understand the whole process, just consider the sequence of actions when multiplying two or more values ​​in the Excel editor.

You will need

Excel 2007 spreadsheet editor

Instruction manual


If a one-time action is required - to multiply two numbers - then the sequence of actions should be as follows:

- go to an empty cell in the Excel table (you can use the navigation arrow keys, or you can by clicking on the desired cell with the mouse);

- press the "=" key. Excel interprets this action as the start of formula input;

- Now print the mathematical action you need, using an asterisk (*) as the multiplication sign. Signs of mathematical actions are usually called "operators". For example, if you need to multiply 2 by 3, then in the cell you need to type "= 2 * 3" - here the equal sign remains from the previous step, you do not need to retype it. If you want to multiply not two, but more numbers - nothing changes in the rules, print more. For example, = 2 * 3 * 4 * 7 * 12;

- upon completion of input, press Enter. Excel will calculate the result and show it in the same cell.

Instead of the usual notation of a mathematical action using the multiplication operator (*), you can use a function called PRODUCT. In this case, the contents of a table cell that multiplies five numbers will look like this: = PRODUCT (2; 3; 4; 7; 12).


If you need to organize a constant form of several cells in order to print the multiplicative in one of them, the multiplier in the other, and see the result of the multiplication in the third:

- in the first free cell, type a number (multiplicable) and press Enter;

- in the second free cell, type the second number (multiplier) and press Enter;

- in the third cell, press the "=" key and use the navigation keys (arrows) to move to the first cell (containing the multiplicable). Instead of keys, you can simply click the cell with the mouse cursor. After doing this, click the asterisk (multiplication operator). In this case, the cursor will return back to the third cell, and you need to use the same navigation keys or the mouse cursor to go to the second cell containing the multiplier. After that, the contents of the cell with the formula should look, for example, like this: = A1 * A2. Having done all this, press Enter to complete the input of the formula and in the third cell you will see the result of multiplication.

You have built a mini-calculator - now you can change the numbers of the multiplier and the multiplier, and Excel will show their product in the third cell.

And here it is not necessary to have only two multiplied numbers, acting in exactly the same way you can organize the number of multiplied cells with numbers you need. But in this case it will be more convenient to use not the * operator, but the PRODUCT function. Then you will not need to indicate each cell with a number separately, but you can specify a whole range of cells. For example, if you put multiplied numbers in cells starting from A1 and ending with A8, then the contents of the cell showing the result of multiplying them all should be: = OPERATION (A1: A8). The range of cells can be entered into the function "manually", or you can select it with the mouse and Excel will enter the desired values ​​itself.


If you need to multiply the value of each cell in the column (or row) of the table one-time by a factor:

- in an empty cell, type this number-coefficient;

- then select this cell, on the "Home" tab in the very first group ("Clipboard") click the "Copy" button;

- Now select the range of cells that you want to multiply by a factor. This can be done with either the mouse or the arrow keys while holding down the CTRL key;

- in the same "Clipboard" group, below the "Paste" command, there is an arrow that opens additional paste options - click it and select "Paste Special" from the list;

- in the switch group "Operation" select "Multiply";

- click "OK" and Excel will multiply each selected cell by the value of the coefficient you copied to the clipboard.


Multiplication. Unlike the signs of addition (+) and subtraction (-), there are no keys with a multiplication sign on the keyboard. In almost all programming languages, an asterisk (*) is used for the multiplication sign. There is no division sign on the keyboard either. The colon sign (:) cannot be used. It was decided to use slash (/) for division.

Useful advice

For some characters (unfortunately not for everyone), it is possible to dial with a hotkey combination, for example for the § character it will be a combination of Alt + 0167: Only numbers must be typed on the numeric keypad and after pressing the Alt key, the desired character is displayed in any program or browser. Alt 0215 × multiplication sign (works for me with the English keyboard layout).

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