How to improve reading technique

How to improve reading technique
How to improve reading technique

Video: How to Improve Reading Skills | 7 Speed Reading Techniques | Exam Tips | LetsTute 2024, July

Video: How to Improve Reading Skills | 7 Speed Reading Techniques | Exam Tips | LetsTute 2024, July

Another test of the reading technique upset you, and you thought about what to do so that the next time you don’t have to blush in front of the class? Then it's time to do simple exercises that will help to comply with the norms of the reading technique.

You will need

  • Assistant

  • Teaching materials

  • Stopwatch

Instruction manual


To succeed, you will need confidence in the result and a little patience. Ask an adult or friend to control you. Tune in to the fact that within a month you will need to spend about 30-90 minutes a day for additional classes.


Exercises aimed at developing mindfulness and articulation help improve reading techniques. All of these activities are combined with daily reading aloud. You can try to do only reading, but this gives a smaller result than we would like, and will take much more time.


Take any printed text, select the font as close as possible to the font in the textbooks (this is due to the fact that for different ages a different font is recommended for reading). It can be scanned pages from books, newspapers and more. Ask yourself any letter. Preferably from vowels or commonly used consonants. The first 3-5 days, delete this letter from the entire text. Further, the task is gradually becoming more complicated. You specify 2, 3, 4-letters (gradually) and for each letter its task, for example: cross “a” from right to left, “e” cross from left to right, “l” circle, “and” circle.


You will need an assistant for this assignment. Remember the location of objects. This can be a specially prepared playing field 4x4 cells. Up to 4 types of different objects (buttons) are laid out on a special field.


Learn tongue twisters and try to repeat them as often as possible throughout the day.


Make cards with all possible syllables when reading and read them for 10-15 minutes. Say syllables in a loud, quiet, whisper. This will help improve reading technique.


10-15 minutes of time, read the book upside down, but before and after you must read the text as usual. After reading an inverted book, the first few paragraphs are read with increased speed, use this in the classroom in preparation for the test (as a rule, time is always given to “stretch”).

how to improve a child’s reading technique