How to create interactive lessons

How to create interactive lessons
How to create interactive lessons

Video: How to Build Custom Interactive Lessons in Nearpod 2024, July

Video: How to Build Custom Interactive Lessons in Nearpod 2024, July

The interactive lesson is based on the principle of interaction both between the teacher and the student, and between students. Sometimes called interactive lessons conducted using an interactive whiteboard. But from a methodological point of view, this is not a prerequisite.

You will need

  • - lesson planning;

  • - electronic presentation;

  • - computer and projector.

Instruction manual


"Interactivity" in translation from English means "interaction". An interactive lesson is a form of activity where students act as subjects of the educational process and actively interact with each other. In such classes, the teacher only directs the cognitive activity of students.


To create interactive lessons, first decide on the goals that the educational process sets for you. According to GEF-1, the goals of each lesson are divided into educational, educational and developing.


According to your goals, select the most optimal methods of supplying material. The choice of methods largely depends on the age of the students. If you are developing a lesson for children of primary or secondary classes, then include as much visual material as possible in the lesson program. It can be both printing and electronic sources.


If you decided to make an electronic presentation (which is very popular now) as the basis of your interactive lesson, then approach its development with particular care. For illustrations, select only high-quality, high-resolution images. Preview your presentation before the lesson from different places in the class to identify possible visual defects (flare, low definition, etc.). Often students are distracted from work precisely because they are poorly visible or incomprehensibly written.


Do not clutter the slides with text. Divide the information into semantic blocks, so that during the click show only the necessary part of the information appears, and not the entire text at once (otherwise the students will be distracted by reading the subsequent abstracts).


Alternate theoretical information slides with entertaining assignments. Such transitions will help prevent fatigue from tedious activities.


But no matter how you try, the attention of the children will begin to decline in the middle of the lesson. Here you come to the aid of sound design. A correctly selected, not too sharp melody or audio message of an outstanding figure will immediately attract the attention of children, return them to interest in the topic being studied.


After working with the presentation, ask students to write a review about the lesson, where they will show that they have learned, that it was more difficult for them. To implement the principles of interactive learning, give a small final task on the material passed, which students themselves will check (for example, those sitting on the first row check the students' tasks from the second row). This will allow them to show independence, help instill in children objectivity and attentiveness, and also show you how the inspector himself understood the material.