How to learn numbers

How to learn numbers
How to learn numbers

How to help your child learn numbers? There are an incredible number of theories and methods used in this rather responsible and necessary business, however we tried to find out what tricks and tricks are the most effective. So, we help the child learn numbers!

Instruction manual


You can’t do without music! Help your child by choosing or even inventing a song listing cirphs. What is interesting - at first the child does not need to know at all which exact number corresponds to each singing word, let him first familiarize himself with the names. And then, after a while, just show him the pictures with the images of numbers during the song!


Take bright cardboard cards and draw numbers on each of them, and write their names on the back. These cards can be used both during songs and for training the baby’s memory - after reading it, ask him to guess and remember what kind of word or symbol is shown on the back.


And now teach the child to reproduce numbers on paper and to perceive them by ear - give him a bright felt-tip pen, a sheet and name numbers at random. This will help the child to relate the names of numbers and their symbolization.


Do not limit yourself to just regular daily activities, and arrange training games throughout the day. For example, while you are cooking dinner, ask your child to count all the dishes on the table. Or while shopping in a car, ask the child to count the nearby cars in the parking lot. Counting during movement is also very useful - therefore, let your baby think, for example, every dog ​​or traffic light that he sees during a walk, this strengthens and trains his memory.


Oddly enough, but the classification of objects can also be associated with the ability to count! Thus, the separation of red and yellow toys into groups and their subsequent recounting will help your child better remember numbers and their meanings, and then move on to more complex combinations - from 11 to 20, from 21 to 99, and so on.

how to help children learn numbers