How to write a review from practice

How to write a review from practice
How to write a review from practice

Video: FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam - How to Write a Review 2024, July

Video: FCE (B2 First) Writing Exam - How to Write a Review 2024, July

As a rule, in the process of studying at a university, all students undergo practical training. Usually she completes the penultimate year of study. Practice can take place at various enterprises, private firms, and even at the institute’s department, but a student must receive written feedback from the manager who supervised his work.

You will need

Written feedback from the head of practice.

Instruction manual


There are a number of specific requirements for writing a review. The supervisor must indicate the full name of the organization where the student did the internship or the student’s personal data: first name, surname, patronymic, student ID number, term of internship, the name of the department and unit in which he did the internship.


It is necessary to list the types of work that were entrusted to the student. Also, those types of work in which the student took part together with the team are listed separately. This will show the level of qualification and responsibility of the future specialist in the process of practical application of his knowledge.


It is necessary to describe those works that were functionally duplicated under the guidance of employees of the enterprise, as well as those that were performed independently. If a student was able to perform particularly complex tasks that allowed to increase productivity or quality of work, it is necessary to note this in the review and give an assessment. If the student was entrusted with managerial functions, this is also better reflected in the recall.


The following point can be noted student's communication skills: his work in a team, relationships and contacts with workers, the nature and style of communication among colleagues. The leader needs to establish the degree of preparation of the student: how quickly he learns with new responsibilities, is it based on the experience of colleagues, is it necessary to control it at the same time.


Also, in the recall it is recommended to describe the student's business skills - initiative, accuracy, responsibility, learnability, desire to acquire additional knowledge and skills. The recall must be signed by the head of the enterprise and the head of the practice, and the position must be indicated. Signatures must be certified by the seals of the enterprise where the practice took place.


An example of writing a review from the place of practice:

Name, Surname, Patronymic, passed practical training at "Such and such an enterprise" from June 5 to July 14, 2011. The functional responsibilities of Last Name, First Name, Patronymic for the period of practice included:



- XXXXXX, etc.

The surname, first name, patronymic, entrusted the work performed conscientiously and accurately. He proved himself a disciplined and responsible employee. He showed a good level of theoretical training, skillfully put knowledge into practice.

Assessment for practical training Last name, First name, Patronymic "excellent".

Number Signatures of Executives



If a student does not work in this enterprise, then the attitude towards him is formal, and no one is supposed to introduce a young specialist into the course of affairs.

Useful advice

In addition to practical knowledge, the student is obliged to master the information about the given enterprise where he completed the practice, which must be reflected in his report.

feedback from the company