How to do stylistic text analysis

How to do stylistic text analysis
How to do stylistic text analysis

Video: Lesson 16: Stylistic Analysis of Two Passages 2024, July

Video: Lesson 16: Stylistic Analysis of Two Passages 2024, July

Stylistic analysis helps to clearly understand what the author wanted to say. However, in order to properly evaluate everything that is said in the text, you need to be able to correctly lay it out into small but important pieces. And it is equally important to correctly analyze them in order to understand where and what accents the author put.

Instruction manual


Starting to analyze the text from the point of view of stylistics, remember that first of all you should understand the main idea and structure of the text. And all this determines the method of analysis. Indeed, a more detailed study of the text should see and evaluate the linguistic features of the text, the speech turns used by the author, as well as the atmosphere and environment around the hero, in which these phrases are pronounced.


During the analysis, you must thoroughly answer the questions of what and how the text is made. And this means that it is necessary to determine the functions of linguistic means, to determine why their author chose in a particular context and to understand how relevant they are. Of course, when a text written by a classic and a well-deserved authority in the field of literature is stylistically analyzed, then here you can justify many inaccuracies and forgive them. And in the case when a school essay or some kind of scientific work is being written, stylistic inaccuracies can easily cause a low assessment or condemnation by the teaching staff. Therefore, you need to analyze the text very carefully.


An equally important point in the analysis of the text is the calculation of expression in the text. With a deep study of the work, you need to determine exactly which accents and emotional colors a specific passage is endowed with. It is also necessary to answer the question - why exactly this type of stylistic coloring of words is used here. In addition, it must be remembered that different types of language expression can be combined in one text.


It is also necessary to analyze the repetitions of words (how much they are justified), the use of grammatical forms, repetitions, both sound and similar endings of words and many other details. All this helps to determine not only the era in which the text was created, but also the mood among people at that time, as well as the author’s attitude to the problem.