How to make an abstract

How to make an abstract
How to make an abstract

Video: How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper 2024, July

Video: How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper 2024, July

Each person at least once in his life is faced with the need to write essays. If you have just started studying at a university, you will probably need more than one essay. How to make it easy and fast?

Instruction manual


The apparent simplicity of downloading ready-made essays from the Internet no longer justifies itself. Teachers also have access to the Internet and are very likely to convict you of plagiarism. To do the essay yourself, you need the following. Knowing the topic of the essay, collect the necessary information on it. Use the list of recommended literature, if it is not, contact the teacher with a request to recommend the most accessible and informative resources. Ask if they are on the Internet. After all, it is much more convenient to write an essay without leaving your home than to adapt to the library’s work schedule. If you yourself choose sources from the Internet, make sure that they are reliable and reliable. Textbooks, monographs, and articles from periodicals have a high degree of reliability.


The abstract begins with a title page. The basic requirements for the title page are usually set out in the training manual. They are standard: at the top is the name of the institution. In the middle part of the sheet is the topic of the abstract, and below on the right are the lines “Completed” and “Checked”. At the bottom of the sheet is the name of the city and the year the essay was written. The abstract consists of three main parts: introduction, main part and conclusion. Introduction is the rationale for the relevance of the topic of the abstract. Write why this topic is relevant, how it is interesting to you personally, why you are writing this essay, what goals and objectives you set for yourself. Here, do a short review of the literature on the topic of the abstract. The main part reveals the topic of the abstract. The work may consist of several chapters, at the end of which a brief conclusion is necessary. When using citations, reference should be made to the literature. Quotations are enclosed in quotation marks.


In conclusion, make an analysis of the work done, summarize the conclusions of the individual chapters. Express your opinion, if necessary, give a forecast for further events. At the end of the work, make a list of used literature in alphabetical order. If in the process of writing the essay have any questions, contact the teacher for clarification. This will allow you to avoid mistakes and unnecessary work.