How to pass an exam in social studies at 100 points

How to pass an exam in social studies at 100 points
How to pass an exam in social studies at 100 points

Video: Tips on Score 95% in Social Studies Class 10 Board Exams, How to score high in Social Studies SST 2024, July

Video: Tips on Score 95% in Social Studies Class 10 Board Exams, How to score high in Social Studies SST 2024, July

Despite the fact that social science is a very easy subject, passing it in the framework of a single state exam is very difficult. And to get an assessment score of 100 points in general seems to be an impossible task. Nevertheless, passing the exam in social studies at 100 points is absolutely realistic.

You will need

  • - four hours of free time daily for 2-3 weeks;

  • - perseverance and diligence;

  • - 2-3 books on social studies of various authors;

  • - necessary regulatory acts in the current edition;

  • - access to the Internet.

Instruction manual


Your best friends in the near future should be patience and perseverance. Social studies - although an easy subject, but the amount of information that you need to know to successfully pass the exam is large, so you have to work hard to fill the gaps in knowledge. If you allocate four hours every day to prepare for exams, then after 2-3 weeks you will study the entire course of this subject. But you will have to concentrate as much as possible on the assimilation of information so as not to re-read the same material several times.


Make short cheat sheets. So you consolidate and generalize the entire array of information. You may not have to use them, but in the process of writing them you will additionally repeat the most important of the entire course. If cheat sheets are lazy, you can emphasize with a pencil in the book the main theses of each paragraph - you will read it before the exam, and then gently erase the pencil with an eraser.


Do not limit yourself to one book - use 2-3 textbooks from various authors. Why is this necessary? How many lawyers, so many opinions. Social science studies the structure of the state and society, is written by authors with a law degree. On only one topic "what is primary: the state or society?" There are several hypotheses that you need to know. If you are going to prepare for the Unified State Examination in only one book, your knowledge will be limited to the opinion of one specific person on a particular issue. But on the exam, very tricky questions may come across and it is simply necessary to have material for reasoning.


Since the subject of social science studies state legal issues, and in books often there are references to articles of a law, you should familiarize yourself with the legislation currently in force in the Russian Federation. Only with the basic and necessary for the successful passing of the exam acts. To pass the exam in social studies, you will need to study the Constitution, the Civil and Criminal Codes of the Russian Federation. If it is not possible to buy them, the Internet will help you, in the vastness of which you will find the necessary legal acts.

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