How to develop memory and thinking

How to develop memory and thinking
How to develop memory and thinking

Video: New guideline: Try exercise to improve memory, thinking 2024, July

Video: New guideline: Try exercise to improve memory, thinking 2024, July

Memory and thinking are the most important cognitive mental processes, without which the full-fledged formation of personality is unthinkable. Attempts to develop these functions from case to case, occasionally, cannot lead to a good result. The development of mental abilities and the ability to remember information should be carried out systematically.

Instruction manual


Memory is a set of processes for capturing, storing and reproducing information. To make memory more effective, one should know and apply the laws of its development in learning.


Reliable memorization is achieved by using the emotional component. We tend to remember for a long time those events and phenomena of life that affected our feelings, left an emotional response. Therefore, you should try to use images that carry emotional coloring when memorizing material.


The material served in the form of vivid images, comparisons, associative series is better remembered.


Link memorable material to business goals. Mechanical memorization should be replaced by actions with drawing, keeping notes, manipulating objects.


Improves the process of remembering the education of conscious control. The participation of consciousness fosters the ability to arbitrarily operate images, making memory independent of random factors.


The order of presentation of material for memorization should be varied. This is achieved, for example, by alternating memorized subjects. So, after literature followed by exact sciences, then the Russian language, etc. This principle should be used by students in homework.


Memory and various types of mental activity are closely related. By thinking m we mean mental processes that ensure the establishment of significant connections between objects and phenomena of reality. Thinking is closely related to speech function.


Despite the presence of individual characteristics of thinking, there are general methods for the development of this cognitive function. These techniques require the systematic implementation of various tasks and exercises, a kind of "mental gymnastics."


So, children can recommend exercises for defining concepts, establishing similarities and differences between concepts (for example, “difficult - hard worker”). It is useful to practice writing short stories or proverbs and sayings. Compiling and solving crosswords and puzzles also contributes to the development of mental activity.


Remember that developing memory and thinking abilities, we simultaneously improve all other cognitive processes, as well as speech and creative abilities.

  • The development of memory, attention, thinking
  • thinking memory development