How to develop your vocabulary

How to develop your vocabulary
How to develop your vocabulary

Video: How to increase your vocabulary 2024, July

Video: How to increase your vocabulary 2024, July

Vocabulary can be active and passive. Active are words that you regularly use in speaking and writing. Passive includes words that you know, but don’t use for one reason or another, for example, because they are not related to your professional activities. As a rule, a passive vocabulary is several times more active, words can move from one to another. It is important to expand your vocabulary, as this contributes to successful communication.

You will need

  • - a pen;

  • - paper;

  • - dictionaries;

  • - books;

  • - interlocutors.

Instruction manual


In the Russian language, about half a million words. On average, the vocabulary of one person is 3000 words, that is, the expressive possibilities are quite limited. The more words you know, the more money you have to realize your thoughts in speech, the more pleasant and easier it is to talk with you. To replenish the vocabulary, the following methods can be used.


Communicate more - enter into a word exchange with different people. You can learn many new words from your interlocutor, especially if he is a representative of a different generation, a different profession, or has hobbies other than yours. In addition, in a conversation you can hear words from your passive vocabulary, remember them and actively use them. And don't be afraid to ask what an unfamiliar word means! Believe me, a person’s desire to understand another helps to find a common language.


Read aloud. When reading "to oneself" only visual analyzers participate in perception. When auditory ones are also involved, you remember new words more firmly.


Do a detailed retelling in the wake. While the text you have read has not yet died out, there is a chance to pronounce the rare words that you met in it. You can ask the child to retell the topic from homework close to the text. If he is not familiar with any words, explain their meaning. Such vocabulary work will benefit both of you.


Each word of the Russian language has a synonymous series, consisting on average of 5-6 words (synonyms are words that are close in meaning). Take any text written by you, and try to replace the words in it with similar ones, but so that the content does not change and is understandable. If you are at a loss in choosing words, refer to the dictionary of synonyms.


Memorize verses. This will not only allow you to show sophistication at the right time, but also help to master many of the elegant and graceful words that are characteristic only of poetic speech. They are not suitable for everyday life and gather dust on the margins of memory, but you can at least get used to their sound in your head. See, you will be interested.


Write down a dozen new words and try to write a story with them. Words are most often unrelated to each other, and weaving them into a meaningful text will be fascinating. This will help not only to remember new words, but also to introduce some of the passive into the active vocabulary.


Vocabulary replenishment is an indispensable condition for successful mastery of a foreign language. Here are some effective ways to memorize foreign words.



Write words on multi-colored cards on two sides: on one side is a foreign word, and on the back is its translation and an example of use (it is more convenient to remember words in a context, that is, together with nearby words). It’s nice to use cards of different colors to sort by parts of speech. Since the cards are not fixed, you will not memorize the words in sequence and you can always mix them. They are small and compact, you can work with them even on the road.



Stick stickers with names on various objects in your room or apartment. They will constantly catch your eye, rather remember.

Useful advice

Take your time to memorize many words at once. It is enough to enter 4-5 words per day into the vocabulary.

  • Stock Synonyms Test
  • vocabulary development