How simple and easy to write an essay

How simple and easy to write an essay
How simple and easy to write an essay

Video: Write a Good Essay πŸ˜ƒ Easy English Writing Steps | Contrast Structure ESL Color Code 2024, July

Video: Write a Good Essay πŸ˜ƒ Easy English Writing Steps | Contrast Structure ESL Color Code 2024, July

Composition, in contrast to the presentation, is characterized by the transfer of their thoughts and thoughts on a given topic. It is most often divided into three parts, each of which must be written thoughtfully, logically and clearly. All of your thoughts at the beginning of the essay should be proved in the text itself. Therefore, it is important to know well the literary work on which it is being written.

Instruction manual


Before you write an essay, you should think up a topic or choose from those that the teacher suggested. Re-read the selected topic several times, delve into it. Think about what exactly you can write in the essay.


Think about what style your composition will be. It depends on which expressions can be used and which ones are best to refrain from. You should not add artistic momentum to the writing of a business style, and a scientific style is always full of terms.


Once you have thought through the content, come up with the main idea of ​​the future text. Describe the composition in one clear sentence. Before you start writing it, make a plan. It is desirable to highlight the introduction, basis and conclusion of the text. Think over each item of the plan; briefly write what will be discussed in this paragraph.


In the introduction it is worth writing about the theme of the essay: why did you choose it, how do you understand it, or your attitude to it. Perhaps you do not agree with the problem that is reflected in the topic, or you have only some contradictions. In this part, show your vision of the question in the topic.


In the main part, you should not simply state the facts (if this is not the scientific style of the text), describe your thoughts, your attitude to the topic. Prove that your point of view also has the right to exist. Do not retell the literary text, you can only periodically use quotes that clearly complement your thoughts. Argument all your statements. Write in your own words using the minimum number of difficult words and turns. In the main part, you should fully disclose the selected topic.


In the last, final part of the essay you should take stock, draw a conclusion on the main part. You should logically finish the text by writing all the flaws in this part. This part of the essay should be concise and clear. In the final part, you can show your personal attitude to the chosen topic, but without bright emotional colors.


After writing, re-read your creation. In the essay, all points of the plan must be observed, the topic is disclosed. If an interesting thought occurred to you during the second reading, then bring it to the composition. In addition to the content, it would be nice to check spelling and punctuation. Do not use long sentences. Write an essay simply so that the reader does not think for a long time about what this proposal means.

Useful advice

In the composition, it will be appropriate to use figurative expressions and words, quotes from literary works, some facts from the biography of the writer. But you need to enter them into the text so that they do not look redundant, but only complement and brighten up your composition.

How beautifully to write an essay
