How to flash a diploma

How to flash a diploma
How to flash a diploma

Video: Produce Certificate Graphic Studio Imperia Eduard Sorokovoy 2024, July

Video: Produce Certificate Graphic Studio Imperia Eduard Sorokovoy 2024, July

When the deadline for graduation approaches, students begin to think about how to flash it. Strict requirements for binding the thesis do not allow using a hole punch and a folder for its design. So that the latest and most important work of the student looks presentable and neat, you can twist it onto a plastic spring. This binding method will not take much time and will give your work a beautiful and finished look, as well as significantly increase your chances of getting a high mark.

You will need

  • - pages of thesis printed on sheets A-4;

  • - mechanical booklet;

  • - plastic translucent front cover;

  • - back cover made of thick cardboard;

  • - a plastic spring for binding.

Instruction manual


To flash a diploma, first place the unnecessary A-4 sheet in the booklet and set the desired sheet width if the booklet is suitable for flashing paper of various sizes. If there is such a function, then set the depth of perforation.


The side holders must press the sheet of paper firmly on both sides so that the pages do not move when binding. Pull the booklet handle toward you and down to check the correct sheet position and perforation. Take out a test sheet of paper and set it aside.


Insert the stack of pages into the booklet so that the sheets touch the back of the paper compartment and are secured by the side holders. Pages should not stick out of the stack, its edges should be even. Do not insert more than 15 pages at a time, as in this case, the holes in the paper may not be fully punched.


Pull the booklet handle toward you and down until it stops and release it. Do not try to punch sheets again to be safe from incomplete punching - re-made holes may not coincide with those that were punched before. Remove the sheets from the paper compartment. Thus, perforate all the pages of the thesis, transparent and opaque cover of the diploma.


Pull the special lever located on the right side of the booklet towards you and select the appropriate spring diameter following the prompts on the booklet body.


Insert the plastic spring into the comb so that the spring teeth are pointing up. Pull the lever on the right side of the booklet toward you so that the spring opens slightly. Take the perforated diploma sheets in parts and put them in holes on the spring teeth.


When all the pages of the diploma are strung on a spring, return the lever to its original position so that the spring closes.


Carefully slide the paper waste tray out of the perforations and remove any accumulated paper clippings. insert the pallet into place.

Useful advice

To add or remove sheets from the thesis, follow all the steps in the reverse order.