How to correctly complete task 26 in the OGE on social studies

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How to correctly complete task 26 in the OGE on social studies
How to correctly complete task 26 in the OGE on social studies

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Task 26 in the OGE: how to properly carry it out? What you need to know to get the maximum score? Features of the answer and advice to the student.

Task number 26 in the OGE on social studies is one of the simplest and at the same time causing the most problems for schoolchildren. Nevertheless, it is not so difficult to carry out: you just need to learn a few simple rules.

The 26th task is a short outline of the text presented for analysis. It is estimated at 2 points. It is necessary to select all the semantic fragments of the passage and to title each of them.

There are two tasks for this question:

  1. test the student’s ability to highlight the key thoughts of the text, without which it is impossible to study normally in a professional institution;

  2. evaluate the child’s skills in preparing a short answer plan.

There is a third function, which is already important for the student himself: after compiling the “table of contents” it will be much easier to answer the remaining questions of the written part.

What should look like task number 26

To make it easier to understand exactly how to name each item, imagine that you were asked to write a report on some topic that was not too familiar to you. And they allowed only a table of contents for this report to be taken to the presentation. Accordingly, each paragraph of this table of contents should be compiled in such a way that, after reading it, you immediately recall the contents of the entire chapter.

There are two ways to plan a text:

  • in the form of a sentence of a call-to-use form: "Middle Class Functions";

  • in the form of a question containing the key idea of ​​the semantic block: "What functions does the middle class perform?"

At the same time, the answer made in the form of a table of contents rather than a list of the main questions of the text is more valued.

Most often, the semantic block coincides with the paragraph. However, there are other situations. So, sometimes in one large paragraph may contain two fragments that carry completely different information. In this case, each of them will have to be allocated as a separate paragraph of the plan.

It happens the other way around: several paragraphs reveal different aspects of the same issue, therefore it is impossible to highlight each item separately. Most often this happens when the author lists the functions or signs of a social phenomenon.

For example, the text "Middle Class" is divided into 8 paragraphs; in the fourth paragraph, it says that the middle class performs different functions, and in all subsequent ones each of these functions is revealed in turn. It turns out that there are only 4 really meaningful blocks in this task: all functions along with the introductory sentence must be singled out by one paragraph.

The correct plan for this story will look like this:

  1. The essence of the middle class.

  2. The composition of the middle class.

  3. Criteria for the allocation of the middle class.

  4. Middle class features.

Or, if you prefer to complete the 26th task in the form of questions, you can compile a table of contents in this way:

  1. What is the middle class?

  2. Who belongs to the middle class?

  3. What criteria distinguish the middle class?

  4. What functions does the middle class perform?

Please note that the task form does not allow proposals that are too long, items consisting of two or more sentences, as well as additional sub-items like "1a", "1b", "1c". Items that contain words that are not meaningful or that look like a piece of phrase taken out of context will not be counted.

In this case, to write out fragments of the text in the table of contents, if they well reflect the meaning of the paragraph and do not contain unnecessary words, it is not forbidden.