How to enter a railway college

How to enter a railway college
How to enter a railway college

Video: Develop your own Rail Tracking System with Railway API | College Project | Lecture 5 | Mayank Gupta 2024, July

Video: Develop your own Rail Tracking System with Railway API | College Project | Lecture 5 | Mayank Gupta 2024, July

Railway colleges exist in most major cities of Russia. In these institutions you can get a variety of specialties in railway business. In order to enter the railway college, you will need to submit the necessary documents for admission to the admissions committee, pass the entrance tests and go through the competition.

You will need

documents for admission

Instruction manual


Gather the necessary documents. Get a list of documents for admission to the selection committee or on the website of the institution. You may need an application form, medical certificate f. 086, 6 photos 3x4 cm in size (color or black and white), photocopies of passport and medical policy, photocopies of TIN and pension insurance certificate, education certificate.


Come personally to the admissions office - not all information can be found on the website of the institution. The selection committee usually works all year round.


Ask the admissions office about college admission rules. You can enter the railway college on the basis of 9 classes, and on the basis of 11 classes. Depending on the base, the list of entrance exams changes. Applicants who have completed 11 classes submit certificates of exam in the Russian language and mathematics to the commission. Graduates of the 9th grade will have to take entrance exams in these disciplines.


Decide on the choice of specialty. At the railway college you can master various specialties, such as "Construction of railways, track and track facilities", "Technical operation of hoisting-and-transport, construction, road machines and equipment", "Technical operation of rolling stock of railways" and "Organization of transportation and management on transport. " Here you can also get the popular specialties "Computer Networks" and "Economics and Accounting".


Remember that the reception of documents is carried out in a strictly fixed time - submit documents on time. In most educational institutions, documents are accepted from June to mid-July, entrance examinations (if any) are held in July, and in August the lists of applicants become known. Entering this institution is not difficult, and studying at a railway college promises many prospects.

Useful advice

Get ready for admission in advance - success will be guaranteed!