How to enter the theater school

How to enter the theater school
How to enter the theater school

Video: Acting in THEATRE | Process to join, benefits, payment 2024, July

Video: Acting in THEATRE | Process to join, benefits, payment 2024, July

You can enroll in a theater school for any young man or girl who holds a certificate of high school graduation. Applicants must pass a series of preliminary auditions and submit the necessary documents. Only after this is an interview conducted and the necessary exams taken.

You will need

  • - certificate of secondary education;

  • -4 photos 3 * 4 in size;

  • -a statement addressed to the head of the theater school;

  • - health certificate;

  • Characteristics from the last place of study.

Instruction manual


First, find out in which cities of Russia there are theater schools, and in what quantity. Submit documents immediately to all educational institutions. Since admission is carried out in three rounds, you will have a better chance of becoming a student.


Find out in advance when the school hosts an open day. Talk to students, teachers. Find out what can approximately expect you during the exams, an approximate list of questions and the procedure for admission. Be sure to bring a pen and notebook with you, rewrite what documents you will need and what you need to take with you during the passage of the first round.


Try to prepare papers and photos for admission in advance. Some schools only ask for originals or copies certified by a notary. To apply to several educational institutions at the same time, it is better to think about it in advance.


Think about what you can do at the moment, can you demonstrate your talents on stage, do you have oratory? Only by answering the questions in the affirmative, you can confidently submit documents to the theater school.


In all educational institutions, before applying for admission, you must go through a special stage - listening. A creative competition takes place over several days and includes the completion of certain tasks. First you will have to read a fable, a poem, a poem or voice a play in front of the teaching staff of the school. The second round usually includes vocal lessons or demonstrations in the field of amateur performances.


As a rule, you must sign up for the first step in advance. Calls to the audience one of the students on the list. At the same time, several people come in, sit on a chair, and the course master suggests answering several questions about your name, where you studied, how old you are and what you will read?


Decide in advance the role, in the role of whom you see yourself, and what works you will perform. It’s best to choose several options, as teachers can ask you to do something alternative at any time. You need to choose a small passage of text, because nobody will listen to you for hours.


Choose a business style of clothing. It is better for girls to put on a skirt to the knee, and for young people - jeans, a trouser suit and a shirt. A tie is welcome, but not required.


Only by listening will you be allowed to take entrance exams. As a rule, one third of applicants reach this stage, the rest are screened out by the admissions committee at the listening stage.


You will learn about the results of admission from lists that are posted on stands in the lobby or on the doors of a theater school.


Course managers and teachers do not like applicants with whom directors, actors, or theater studios have previously worked. Therefore, it is better to keep silent about this fact of the biography, the maximum that can be reported is about participation in school activities.

Useful advice

During all three stages of admission, keep calm, be confident in yourself and your own strengths. Remember, you will succeed the first time.

  • admission to the theater school
  • Russian Institute of Theater Arts in Moscow