How to enter a flight school

How to enter a flight school
How to enter a flight school

Video: GTA Online Flight School Guide (Tips & Tricks) 2024, July

Video: GTA Online Flight School Guide (Tips & Tricks) 2024, July

The profession of a pilot today is one of the most popular in Russia. Therefore, it is not surprising that many school graduates are interested in acquiring it. You can get a pilot's profession in one of the country's many flight training institutions. In order to successfully enter a flight school, it is necessary to imagine what conditions of admission exist in them and what is required of the candidate.

Instruction manual


Since the days of the Soviet Union, all flying schools have been divided into civilian and military. Accordingly, civilians train pilots for civilian traffic and commercial organizations, while military pilots train pilots for service in the air forces. In addition, these flight schools can be both higher and secondary technical, in which training lasts, respectively, for 5 or 3 years.


It is important to consider that most flight schools today train not only the flight crews directly, that is, pilots, but also train all kinds of technical personnel for ground aviation services. Therefore, the entry requirements for applicants can vary significantly depending on the particular specialty and educational institution.


In most cases, people who have complete secondary education (certificate of successful completion of high school), under the age of 25, who are fit for health reasons and have successfully passed entrance exams, can enter flight schools. As a rule, the list of exam subjects includes mathematics and the Russian language. In some cases, a physics exam is added.


For admission to the entrance examinations and interviews, the applicant must submit the following documents to the selection committee:

- certificate of complete secondary or primary vocational education;

- a medical certificate in the standard form 086 / y, a certificate of vaccinations, a certificate of admission to physical education classes;

- autobiography;

- a certificate from the neuropsychiatric and narcological dispensaries;

- 6 photos in size 3x4;

When applying, the applicant personally provides a passport and a certificate of attitude to military duty.


For the specialty of pilot pilots, in addition to standard medical certificates, a positive conclusion from the VLEK special medical commission at the flight school and successful passing of a professional-psychological selection are also required. For some other specialties, a separate ophthalmologist opinion may be needed.

  • flight school admission