How to enter an architect

How to enter an architect
How to enter an architect

Video: 5 Things to Know Before Starting Architecture School 2024, July

Video: 5 Things to Know Before Starting Architecture School 2024, July

The profession of an architect combines the talent of an artist with the knowledge of an engineer. In addition, you need to be a diversified person, to be able to navigate in modern trends and styles of architectural structures. Without training in one of the architectural universities can not do here.

You will need

  • - certificate of secondary education - the original and two copies;

  • - passport - the original and two to three copies;

  • - The results of the exam in mathematics, the Russian language and literature;

  • - medical certificate;

  • - creative work on drawing, plotting, graphics;

  • - photos.

Instruction manual


Carefully consider the choice of institution where you will study. Despite the fact that the programs of specialized construction universities and architectural faculties are mostly similar, you need to know in advance about the features of the program, about the presence of practicing architects in the teaching staff.


To enter the faculty of architecture, it is necessary to pass more exams than in other universities. You will need the results of the exam in mathematics, the Russian language and literature. And it is also necessary to pass the profile exams for drawing, composition and drawing. Find out in advance the features of passing the entrance exams at the chosen university.


Preparing for the profile exams yourself after graduation is a difficult task. Tutoring is a great option for good preparation. Choose as a tutor the teacher of the educational institution where you plan to enroll. Knowing the characteristics of the requirements, he will help you to prepare for the exams in the best possible way and to show your best. Preparation for the creative competition should begin a year or a half before the entrance exams. During this time, a competent teacher will be able to put the right technique of drawing, graphics and plotting.


To develop a style and understanding of the drawing in preparation for exams, you also need self-education. Attend seminars, exhibitions of drawings, compositions; Take part in creative contests.


If you are a high school graduate, sign up for preparatory courses at the Faculty of Architecture. There you can get expert help in preparing for the entrance exams at the selected institute. This will increase the chances of enrolling in the faculty and help to get acquainted with future teachers and establish themselves in the choice of the profession of an architect.

Useful advice

In the ranking of the most prestigious architectural universities in Russia, the first places are occupied by the Moscow Architectural Institute (MARCH) and the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (MGSU)

Moscow Architectural Institute