How to build an excel table

How to build an excel table
How to build an excel table

Video: Excel Tables Tutorial #1 How to Create and Use Excel Tables 2013 2010 2007 365 2024, July

Video: Excel Tables Tutorial #1 How to Create and Use Excel Tables 2013 2010 2007 365 2024, July

In the Microsoft Excel application, there are many opportunities for comprehensive data processing, analysis and delivery of the final results in a convenient form. Creating tables, diagrams, creating functions and issuing ready-made calculations is very fast. The intuitively accessible interface is easily perceived even by novice users. Building Excel tables is one of the simplest and most demanded functions, where you can widely use all the tools of the application.

You will need

Microsoft Excel Application

Instruction manual


Launch Microsoft Excel. Select the first line of the new sheet. Increase the line width and enable bold and center align text mode. Click on the first cell in the row. Write the title of the table to be created.


On the second row of the Excel worksheet, write the column headings. One title should be in one cell. Spread the columns as wide as possible to fill each cell. Select the entire row and center the cells in all its cells.


Fill in all the columns below the titles with relevant information. Set the cells according to the data entered in the cells. To do this, select the group of cells of the same format with the mouse. By right-clicking, open the context menu for the selected cells. Select the "Cell format" item in it.


In the window that opens, in the "Number" tab, specify the desired representation of the entered data. In other tabs of the window, if desired, specify the alignment in the cell, color, font, and other parameters of the input text.


If your table contains summary fields with summarizing information, enter the formula for calculating the data in them. To do this, select the cell for the totals. In the control panel, put a "=" sign in the function field. Next, you need to specify the calculation formula. When summing data from cells, write down the name of the cells in the function and put an addition sign between them. When finished, press the Enter key. In the final cell in the table, the result of the recorded formula is displayed. Moreover, the total value will be automatically recalculated when changing the values ​​of the summed cells.


Using the "Format Cells" mode, set where necessary the boundaries of the rows, columns, and the entire table.


The table in Excel is ready, save it using the menu item "File" and then "Save".

how to build a table in exel